Because of this e-mail, I have to close my homepage. Thanks for your support!! Hope to see you guys later la!!! If you are really really missing me, then send E-mail to me lor!!!! 超級電視迷 Dear Sir, We are the copyright owner of various TV programmes and the contents of our web site "TVB Online" on " ". It has recently come to our notice that you have copied certain materials from our web site and are publishing the same on your web site “超 級 電 視 迷 ”on "" without authorization from us. Further you have deeplinked your web pages to our web pages deliberately by-pass our home page. Your activities could cause confusion to the public and mislead them to think that our web site is associated with yours or that you have authority to use our materials. You has breached the express TVB Online Agreement and may infringe our copyright. TVB Online Agreement states: "You are not permitted to modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, distribute, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show or play in public, adapt or change in any way any material from this site including code and software for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission of TVB." We hereby demand you to delete our copyright materials on your site and cease to copy or use any of our copyright materials immediately. You are also required to undertake not to infringe our copyright materials and trademarks in future. If you are not to deal with this matter in the manner stated above and if we do not hear from you within 5 days from the date hereof, we will take such action as we may consider appropriate to protect our interests. In the meantime, all our rights are reserved. Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of Television Broadcasts Limited I am wondering that is there any copyright of this e-mail! Please tell me if there is~~~~~.