Dubbed List
Sailor Moon
1. "A Sailor Star is Born"
2. "Talk Radio"
3. "Slim City"
4. "So You Want to be a Superstar"
5. "Computer School Blues"
6. "Time Bomb"
7. "An Unchrmed Life"
8. "Nightmare in Dreamland"
9. "Cruise Blues"
10. "Fight to the Finish"
11. "Match Point for Sailor Moon"
12. "An Unnatural Phenomena"
13. "Wedding Day Blues"
14. "Shutter Bugged"
15. "Dangerous Dollies"
16. "Who is That Masked Man?"
17. "An Animated Mess"
18. "Worth a Princess's Ransom"
19. "Molly's Folly"
20. "A Friend in Wolf's Clothing"
21. "Jupiter Comes Thundering In"
22. "The Power of Friendship"
24. "An Artful Attack"
25. "Too Many Girlfriends"
26. "Grandpa's Follies"
27. "Kitty Chaos"
28. "Tuxedo Melvin"
29. "Sailor V Makes the Scene"
30. "A Crystal Clear Destiny"
31. "A Reluctant Princess"
32. "Bad Hair Day"
33. "Little Miss Manners"
34. "Ski Bunny Blues"
35. "Ice Princess"
36. "Last Resort"
37. "Tuxedo Unmasked"
38. "Fractious Friends"
39. "The Past Returns"
40. "Day of Destiny"
Sailor Moon R Part 1; The Doom Tree Series
41. "The Return of Sailor Moon"
42. "So You Want to be Pictures"
43. "A Knight to Remember"
44. "VR Maddness"
45. "Cherry Blossom Time"
46. "Kindergarten Chaos"
47. "Much Adu About Babysitting"
48. "Raye's Day in the Spotlight"
49. "Food Fedish"
50. "Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall"
51. "Detention Doldrums"
52. "Secret Garden"
53. "Treed"
Sailor Moon R Part 2
54. "Serena Times Two"
55. "The Cosmetic Caper"
56. "Sailor Mercury Moving On?"
57. "Gramps in a Pickle"
58. "Trouble Comes Thundering Down"
59. "A Charmed Life"
60. "A Curried Favor"
61. "Naughty 'N' Nice"
62. "Prediction of Doom"
63. "Enimes No More"
64. "Check Mate"
65. "Sibling Rivalry"
66. "Rubeus Evens the Score"
67. "Rubeus Strikes Out"
68. "Secret of the Luna Sphere"
69. "Emerald Takes Over"
70. "Promises Fulfilled"
71. "No Thanks, Nurse Venus"
72. "Dog Days for Artemis"
73. "Lonely Amy"
74. "Child's Play"
75. "Future Shocked"
76. "Legend of the Negamoon"
77. "Jealousy's Just Rewards"
78. "Birth of the Wicked Lady"
79. "Brotherly Love"
80. "Diamond in the Rough"
81. "Final Batle"
82. "Follow the Leader"
Japanese List
Sailor Moon
1. "Graceful Ghange of Crybaby Usagi"
2. "I'll punish you! The Fortune house is a Youma's mansion"
3. "The mysterious sleeping disease,
protect the young girl's loving heart"
4. "Usagi will teach you! The way to get slim"
5. "The Demonic Scent! Schaneera Steals Love"
6. "Protect the Song of Love! Usagi Plays Cupid"
7. "Usagi's Hard Lesson! The Way of Stardom is Tough"
8. "Is the Genius Girl A Demon? Brainwashing Cram School"
9. "Usagi's Misfortune! Beware of the Rushing Clock"
10. "The Cursed Bus! The Coming of the Warrior of Fire, Mars"
11. "Usagi vs Rei? The Nightmare of Dream Land"
12. "I Want Boyfriend, Too. Trap of Cruise Ship"
13. "Girls Unite! The Last of Jedite"
14. "New Challenges, The Evil Crest of Nephrite"
15. "Usagi Upset! Rei-chan's First Date"
16. "Pure White Dress Dream! Usagi Becomes a Bride"
17. "Usagi is a Model? Focus of Demon Camera"
18. "Shingo's Love! Sorrow French Doll"
19. "Usagi so Happy! Tuxedo Kamen's Love Letter"
20. "Summer, Sea, Holiday! And Ghosts, too"
21. "Protect the Dreams of Children! The Friendship Bound in Anime"
22. "Romance Under Moon! Usag's First Kiss"
23. "Wishing on a Shooting Star! Naru-chan's Pure Love"
24. "Naru-chan's Tears! Death of Nephrite for Love"
25. "Power Girl in Love, Jupiter-chan"
26. "Smile, Naru-chan! Usagi's Friendship"
27. "Love for Ami-chan?! A Boy Who Sees the Futrue"
28. "Love Illustration, Usagi and Mamoru Gets Close?"
29. "Total Chaos! Mixed-up Love Rectangle"
30. "Grandpa's Insanity, Rei-chan in Jepordy"
31. "Love and Chased! Luna's Worst Day"
32. "Umino's Decision! I'll protect Naru-chan"
33. "The Last Sailor Worrior, Venus Comes"
34. "Shining Crystal! The Moon Princess Returns"
35. "Returning Memories! Usagi and Mamoru's Past"
36. "Usagi's Confusion! Evil Tuxedo Mask?"
37. "Ami to be a Princess? Usagi's Strange Training"
38. "Snow, Mountains, Friendship! And Demons After All"
39. "Pair with Demon? Mako-chan on Silver Ice Rink"
40. "The Lake Monster Legend. Usagi's Familt Tie"
41. "I Won't Run from Love Again. Ami vs Mamoru?!"
42. "Sailor Venus's Past Minako's Bitter Love"
43. "Usagi Alone? Big Fight of Sailor Worriors"
44. "Usagi's Awakining! Message from the Ancient Past"
44. "The Gallant Last Battle. Death of Sailor Worriors"
46. "Usagi's Eternal Wish. A New Rebirth"
Sailor Moon R
47. "Revival of Moon! A Mysterious Monster Appears"
48. "Fro Love and Justice, The Sailor Warriors Again!"
49. "Who's the White Rose For? The Shadow Knight Appears"
50. "Usagi's In Danger! Disabled Tiara!"
51. "Renewed Transformation: Usagi's Powerup"
52. "Targetted Children! Venus in Action"
53. "Mamoru and Usagi's Babysitter Mayhem"
54. "The cultural festival is just for me!? Queen Rei sings all out"
55. "Is Seijuro the Moon Shadow Knight? Mako-chan Firing Up"
56. "After Mamoru's Kiss! Ann's Snow White Plan"
57. "Watch Out for After School! Targeted Usagi"
58. "The disagreeing feeling of love! The Makaiju's anger"
59. "The true love awakens! The Makaiju's secret"
60. "An angel? A devil? The mysterious girl who came from the sky"
61. "Usagi's big shock! Mamoru announces that he's breaking up"
62. "The friendship of the senshi! Good-bye Ami-chan"
63. "Girls should be strong and beautiful! Rei's new attack"
64. "Seek the Silver Crystal! Chibi-Usa's Secret"
65. "Love Dispute! Minako and Makoto Square Off"
66. "Usagi's Motherly Love? Triangle with Curry"
67. "Ocean, Island, Vacation! Warrior's Day Off"
68. "Protect Chibi-Usa! Ten Warriors' Fierce Battle"
69. "Awaken, Sleeping Beauty! Mamoru's Difficulties"
70. "Confrontation of the Flames of Love! Mars VS Coan"
71. "For Friendship! Ami and Beruche Clash"
72. "Unmerciful Rubeus! The Four Sisters of Sadness"
73. "UFO Appearance! The Sailor Soldiers Kidnapped"
74. "Defeat Rubeus! Decisive Battle in Space"
75. "Mysterious New Soldier, Pluto Appears"
76. "Black Magic! Invasion of Esmeraude"
77. "The Thoughts Are the Same! Usagi and Mamoru in Love Again"
78. "Venus Minako's Nurse Mayhem"
79. "Artemis' Adventure. The Invaded Animal Kingdom"
80. "Dreadful Illusion! Ami All Alone"
81. "The Dark Gate Opens? Grade School Targeted!"
82. "Journey to the Future. Battle in the Corridor of Time"
83. "Shocking Future! Dimando's Dark Ambition"
84. "Wiseman's Evil Hand! Chibi-Usa Disappears"
85. "Dark Queen! Birth of the Black Lady"
86. "Saffir Dies! Wiseman's Trap"
87. "Believe in Love and the Future! Usagi's Determination"
88. "The Final Battle of Light and Dark! A Vow of Love to the Future"
89. "Usagi's Final Decision! Prologue to a New Battle"
Sailor Moon S
90. "Premonition of the World's End!
Mysterious New Soldiers Appear"
91. "A Rod Born of Love! Usagi's New Transformation"
92. "A Handsome Guy? Tenou Haruka's Secret"
93. "Usagi's Idol! Graceful Genius Michiru"
94. "Protect the Pure Heart!
Enemies and Allies in a Triangular Struggle"
95. "In Need of Help for Love? Moon Will Take Care of It"
96. "Cold Uranus. Makoto in Danger!"
97. "Water Labyrinth. Targetted Ami-chan"
98. "Save a Friend! Moon and Uranus Allied"
99. "A Man's Gentle Mind! Yuichiro's Broken Heart for Rei?"
100. "She wants to quit being a Sailor Senshi!? Minako's Troubles"
101. "Usagi's Tears! For My Birthday, A Pair of Glass Slippers"
102. "Stolen pure heart. Usagi in Danger"
103. "Here Comes a Small Pretty Sailor Soldier"
104. "Looking for Friends! Busy Chibi Moon"
105. "I Need Power! Makoto's Lost Way"
106. "Bonds of Destiny! Uranus' Distant Days"
107. "Art is an Explosion of Love! Chibi-Usa's First Love"
108. "Usagi's Dance is the Waltz"
109. "The Shocking Truth: Mutual Identities Revealed"
110. "Death of Uranus and Neptune? The Talismans Appear"
111. "The Sacred Power of the Holy Grail.
Moon's second Transformation"
112. "Who is the Real Messiah? Light and Shadow in Chaos"
113. "A Ghostly House! Pretty Hotaru's Secret"
114. "I Love Idols! Mimet's Worries"
115. "Shadow of Silence! Hotaru's Dimming Light"
116. "Calm After the Storm! A Friendship Devoted to Hotaru"
117. "Much Higher! Much Stronger! Cheerleader Usagi"
118. "Battle with an Evil Atmosphere! Sailor Soldiers Gamble"
119. "Awakening of the Messiah? The Fate of Stars"
120. "Invasion from Outer Space! Mugen High's Secret"
121. "Temptress! The Third Undesirable Woman, Terurun"
122. "Believe in Love! Kind Soldier Ami"
123. "Shadow of Destruction! The Messiah of Silence Awakens"
124. "Approaching Horror! Eight Soldiers in a Pinch"
125. "Shiny Shooting Star! Saturn and Messiah"
126. "Bundle ofNew Life! The Destiny of Stars, the Time of Farewell"
127. "A Growing Soldier! A Pure Heart is the Base for Growing Strong"
Sailor Moon SuperS
128. "An Unexpected Encounter!
The Night Pegasus Performs His Steps"
129. "Super Transformation!
It Happens Again by the Power of Pegasus"
130. "Protect Mom's Dream!
Use the New Deadly Weapons of Double-Moon"
131. "Catch Pegasus! Trap of the Amazon Trio"
132. "The Best Couple! The Love Between Usagi and Mamoru"
133. "Artemis' Love Scandal? A Mysterious Kitten Appears"
134. "Makoto's Friendship! A Girl Attracted by Pegasus"
135. "Hearts in Synch! Chibi-Usa and Pegasus"
136. "Protect Mamoru! Jealous Ninja Usagi"
137. "Mysterious Forest! An Invitation from a Beautiful Fairy"
138. "Run Up to Heaven! Love for the Dream Car"
139. "Be the Strongest in the Country!
A Pretty Young Warrior's Problem"
140. "We Love Mini-skirts! Perfect Fit Soldiers"
141. "Stormy Love! Minako's Big Two-Timing Project"
142. "A Secret House! A Menu Full of Love for You"
143. "The Moment They Trust Pegasus!
Super Transformation of the 4 Soldiers"
144. "Sparkling Summer Days! Ami, the Girl with the Sea Breeze"
145. "Aim for Prima Ballernia! Usagi in the Ballet"
146. "Holiday at Tenth Street! An Innocent Princess"
147. "A Partner in Destiny? Makoto's Pure Heart"
148. "Shadow of Evil! Cornered Trio"
149. "Mirror of Dreams! Final Stage of the Amazon Trio"
150. "The Amazons! A Nightmare from Beyond the Mirror"
151. "True Power Explodes! Ami's Melody of the Heart"
152. "Burning Passion! Mars' Furious Super Deadly Attack"
153. "Dentist of Terror? Para-para's House"
154. "Confrontation Between Dreams!
Break-up Announcement by Minako and Makoto"
155. "Over the Fear! Jump to Freedom"
156. "Don't Lose Your Dream! A Mirror Reflects the Truth"
157. "Pegasus Has Disappeared? Swinging Friendships"
158. "Pegasus' Secret!
The Beautiful Boy Protecting the World of Dreams"
159. "Chibi-Usa's Little Rhapsody of Love"
160. "Dream to Become an Adult! Bewilderment of the Amazoness"
161. "Coming Terror! The Evil Approach by the Queen of Darkness"
162. "Center of Darkness! The Dead Moon Circus"
163. "The Mirror Labyrinth! Captured Chibi Moon"
164. "The Golden Crystal Comes Out! Neherenia's Spell"
165. "When the Crystal Shines! The Power of Beautiful Dreams"
166. "Forever Dreams! Light Throughout the Sky"
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
167. "Nightmare scatters like flower petals!
The return of the Queen of Darkness"
168. "Saturn's awakening! The 10 Sailor Senshi gather"
169. "The cursed mirror! Mamoru is caught in a nightmare"
170. "The night of our destiny! The Sailor Soldiers' suffering"
171. "For love! An endless fight in Hell"
172. "The power of moon love! The end of the nightmare"
173. "A farewell and an encounter! The destiny of flowing stars"
174. "A storm at school! Transfer students are idols"
175. "Go for an idol! Minako's ambition"
176. "A true figure of a fighter! A shocking super transformation"
177. "Dreams and romance on a star! Taiki's transformation"
178. "Luna saw it! The true character of Yaten"
179. "Enemies? Allies? Starlights and Sailor Soldiers"
180. "The brightness of the calling stars!
Haruka's entry into the battle"
181. "Seiya and Usagi's nervous date"
182. "Invasion from space! Siren came flying in"
183. "The scream of dead souls? Terror of a monster at camp"
184. "Night between us! Usagi's pinch"
185. "Taiki sings with excellence!"
186. "Chibi Chibi's mystery? The big noisy chase"
187. "The power of a shining star! Chibi Chibi's transformation"
188. "An invitation to terror! Usagi's night flight"
189. "Torn between duty and friendship!
Confrontation among Sailor Soldiers"
190. "Truth revealed! Seiya's past"
191. "When a light butterfly dances in the air!
Foresight of the new wave"
192. "Straight to your dream! Idol Minako is born?"
193. "The Silver Crystal is stolen! The Fireball Princess appears"
194. "Holy War in the galaxy! Sailor Wars Legend"
195. "Fireball Princess dies out! Galaxia on Earth"
196. "Countdown to the destruction of the galaxy!
Sailor Soldiers' final battle"
197. "Ruler of the galaxy, Galaxia's threat!"
198. "Disappearing stars! The end of Uranus and Neptune"
199. "The Light of Hope! Final battle for the galaxy"
200. "Usagi's love! The moonlight lights up the galaxy"
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