Flame Sniper!- A SailorMars Shrine |
::The Flame Burns On:: <Looks terribly proud of herself> Everyone, look! More updates! Must be the fact that I'm on a school vay-cay, so I don't have much of anything else to be doing. Anyway, this shrine is really, really, really sad at the moment, and I know it. I'm too lazy to write really nice and complicated codes for it. Please, try to enjoy this humble little shrine to the Senshi of Flames, SailorMars! ~~Jai 2.28.00 |
Chose Your Destiny... Meet Hino Rei :: The Senshi Of Flames :: Cherry Hill Temple :: Webmistress' Corner :: |
::Updates and Other Junk:: February 28th, 2000 :: Heya again, everyone! 'Tis the webmistress, out to annoy sanity from you. Hmm, lemme see, some yummy updates in ::Meet Hino Rei:: and ::The Senshi of Flames:: Check 'em out, or die a painful death. I've got a Revolutionary, and I'm terribly talented in using him. <Looks to Feuilly, and *griiiiins*> Not that way, hentai. Anyway, moving from my wonderous RPing life, I've got a request -- there should be a border on the left side of the screen. Although, It hasn't been showing up on my comp. Can someone tell me if it's working on their computer? Thanks muchly, fellow BSSM fans! ~~Jai 2.28.00 |
Visit 'Sailor Mars Transparent GIFs'... |
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::Disclaimer!:: Okay, just because I have to be legal: Sailormoon and all othe characters ect. belong to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, Mixx, DiC, and whoever I forgot. I don't make any profit from this site, which is terribly... sad. If you feel that any info, pics, or sounds on this site belong(ed) to you, please e-mail me, and I'll take it down, or credit you... your choice. Innocent, really! Don't sue me, I'm a nice girl, really! <watches everyone laugh at her> REALLY! |
I'm proud to say, that this shrine is HENTAI FREE! Rejoice darn you! |