
The Temple of Fire!!!

The Home of Phoenix Nike


Hello everyone, this is Phoenix Nike and this is the Temple of Fire. As you go about the different Realms of the Temple, you may encounter some images, writings and other stuff of wonder (or terror, as some may say) that only lives in my somewhat active subconscious. Yes, all of the stuff here is mine, unless I say otherwise. But don't you dare scream and run calling for the shrinks. Remember, as long as you are here you are in my territory and I have the power to burn all those who dare incur my wrath. Oh yeah, and don't forget to email the Phoenix at for anything you wish to suggest to me, though of course they're only suggestions and I don't really have to listen to them. Anyway, I added another corner to my temple (as if the poor wretched wanderers aren’t already having problems finding their way in my temple...). I've called it the Sacrificial Altar and it's where I'll be putting my updates for the month or until I start renovating this place again, whichever comes first.

Sigh...the HTML codes brought another bunch of migraines on yours truly. I swear if I find that sadistic bastard who invented those damn codes, I'll have them tied up to an obelisk, rip his heart from his body, and have his bleeding body roasted alive... BWAHAHAHA!!! (It's obvious that I didn't exactly survive the previous semester sane...)

Anyway, now that it’s March. It’s summer. Which means I'm free of my responsibilities in the educational level (Oh, yes! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!), for the next three weeks that is, I did some major renovations on my dear temple. I decided that due to godamn awful codes, I'll dividing the realms into four corridors. Namely, the north, south, east and west corridors. Well, all right, I suppose you already want to take a tour now so here are the Realms!

Sigh. Well, all right, I suppose you already want to take a tour now so here are the Corridors of the temple!

The North Corridor

The Phoenix's Shrine

Some things you have to know about the phoenix that resides in the temple. Namely, me... 

The West Corridor

The Images of Life and Death

Where you can find some VERY interesting pictures....Hehehe 

The South Corridor

The Holy Scrolls:

An archive of my and my friends' writings. Not for the faint of heart...Hehehe. 

The East Corridor

The Friends(or foes...)of the Phoenix

Some links to the people who made my existence a lot interesting and dangerous.... 



Copyrighted by Phoenix Nike all that say otherwise burn....

Last revised: May 13, 2000

Gold bars and gold icons expect for Phoenix Nike is courtesy of: