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One liners



And I have learned so much since I've been gone / And I have done so little for so long / So now I'll settle up these grievances and focus on the savory / And wave all these discrepancies away / And I'll peter out these misconceptions, give out faith at my discretion....
 Dashboard Confessional

:Summer  2003  

[08.22.03 10:12pm] After not sleeping so much, I'm pretty dang awake ^_^; I still gotta clean my closet >_< Perhaps instead of sitting on my ass I should do that. Eh...maybe later hehehehe. Today was alrite, nothing much really happened after. My dad made me an omelet for dinner, basically to show me how it's done and to show me that he could actually make one. I feel kinda bad that I asked Chis and not my Dad ^_^; Eee so cute LMAO Been watching bunch of JPop music videos. I don't know if it's all the Japanese artists but BoA doesn't have horribly great dance moves ^_^; She's really pretty though ^_^ But yea and then Utada Hikaru has reallly nice videos full of effects and junk. Ayumi has weird clothes ^_^; Japanese people kick ass LoL

[08.22.03 11:36am] Ugh so for lunch, I decided that I'd make myself an omelet. Chis taught me how to make one the other nite (<3) and I made an ok one for him. Of course, that was with me questioning him at each of my steps ^_^; So I made my omelet but I think I added too much milk- like waaay too much and too much cheese (i heart cheese) and I didn't cook it long enough. I feel funny @_@;

[08.22.03 09:52am]  So I'm fully awake (without the help of Bawls, Amp, Dew, or a night's rest) and am waiting for critters to arrive. Woke up at like 7:30am, painfully I might add, to get ready for Meg's lil meet the teacher thing. Poor kid, her classroom's at BFE ^_^; Oh well sucks for her hehehehe. So tired >_< Slept late again ::sigh:: so crazy...of course tho its usually my fault =/ I wish I didn't have such a low self-esteem. I've been let down so harshly and frequently by other people that obviously I put up walls. They were damn good walls too. No one in, no info out.

[08.20.03 11:00pm]   Right now I'm feeling that everything I've done is unappreciated. What is the point of going through crap if in the end it's not appreciated? Is there any value to the end result? Be nice if someone actually *voiced* that they gave a shit. Actually voiced it before I tell them to? It always comes to that. I don't want to play mommy and say "remember to say thankyou." WTF is that? I say what I mean, mean what I say. If something needs to be said even if I had to be prompted at least I make it sound like my own. ::sigh:: Just have to deal. Do I want to deal? For now yes...So I won't bitch or anything to anyone in particular. I know what kind of advice I'd be given and I don't feel like taking it. Since I know that I won't take it, I'd rather not frustrate people by asking for it and not taking it. Although, I don't really ask for advice- it just kinda comes when you ask people to listen. I'm not sure, I don't really ask people for much of anything so yea. Thats what my journals are for....

[07.30.03 9:48pm]   Been wearing the gaff tape for 6 days. The first 4 days were his. Monday I kinda ruined it, today well I don't know. Waiting for the transpariencies (sp?) to print my cover on for my zine. Did I tell ya'll about my zine? I should put the pages up- each page is a picture I took and then corresponding lyrics from Emo songs. And yes, they are the typical "I'm sad, I'm crushed, my heart is broken" lines. Heh. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I don't feel like thinking about it. I know it'll get better anyways just a ditch in the road....just gotta stop digging down -__-;
                 So Philly news wise- I'm going to check out of my dorm this Friday. I've got lots to pack. Yesterday I went shopping at Urban Outfitters (woot they are gonna open one at Aventura!) and went to the cpu lab to leech. Gotta use my thousands of dollars worth no? I think I'll print a manga or two...LMAO jkjk (I can't find any manga worth printing LOL) Hm. Rite now I'm working on my printmaking exchange (I <3 printmaking but I don't think I can survive as a printmaker as a profession) and it's really kewl ^_^ I'm actually quite proud of all my prints...well cept my mono prints but thats ok. I think I'll be working on more prints at home. Being here has kicked me back in the art mode. I need to work on my portfolio... 
                Yea so I just took a break and I printed out a color version of my zine and bought a Moca Malt from Starbucks. Yes, another 3 bucks down the toilet (LMAO literally, well eventually) and I figured if I didn't drink all those in a week I could buy a nice shirt but thats k! I've limited my intake to 3 cafe drinks a week so it's alrite. Lately I've been really tired...heh...I wonder why but yea so the stuffs wake me up (I ran out of Dew and since I'm checking out I don't wanna buy another 24 pack). K I'll go read some MegaTokyo cuz it kicks ass and I wish I had those mad skillz.

[07.09.03 6:28pm]   Thank you to everyone who gives a shit about where I am and how I'm doing. Who actually *really* care none of that yea how are you and thats it. I hate that. Whatever ::waves to like 2 people even tho they probably don't read this:: Yea I finally found a cpu lab with PCs. This school is run over by Macs ~_~ Oh well weird things. But my main thing was that the PCs had AIM <3 I've been in Philly since last week (if you didn't notice ::sigh::)and yep. I have 3 awesome roommates XD and a few out of dorm friends (eh....) and things are getting better in some aspects. I guess I did say I wanted to get away rite? I'm away. I dunno tho I keep trying to come back or be kinda still there. Nope I gotta try stopping that. Away is away.

[07.02.03 10:30am] Fight to Philly. Goodbye Florida, I don't think i'll miss you.

[06.28.03 9:42pm]   Woke up early to clean a bit and burn more CDs. My cpu is so freaking full >_< I need more memory -_-; Afterwards went to Chis' <3 His mommy bought me Mountain Dew XD I felt special XD I never get to stay over for dinner =/ This time it was cuz my dad had to do something so it was alrite. Chilled, sat in tehe hammock <3 I love hammocks. I remember laying in one when I was lil with my Godfather ^_^ Gave Chis my turtle to turtlesit for me hehehe- I was pretty sure no one in the house would be able to take care of it (Meg wanted to..so sweet) so he had to go. I kind miss him swimming around his lagoon or bathing in his lil turtle light ^_^; Afterwards, went home helped Meg with some math practice and cooked mac & cheese XD I still have my cold =*( and I feel like I'm gonna fall asleep soon from the medicine Z_Z

[06.28.03 11:32pm]   Finally a weekend >_< Woke up cuz my lil sister was running in and out of my room -_-; Got up, ate breakfast, fixed the closet while in the bg my lil sister screamed about various things ::sigh:: Afterwards, burned stuff for Lara but then my cpu got tired I guess ::sigh:: cuz then it started just messing up CDs. Started packing ^_^ I've just got some stuff like shampoo and things to buy. Hopefully I'll be able to buy em tomorrow if I wake up early enough to ask my mom.

[06.27.03 9:32pm]   Today was a long day....babysat -___-; Went to sleep. And yes, I have been sleeping. Kinda- just lots of stuff going on. I need to pack. I need to get away.

[06.26.03 8:00pm]   Babysat -___________-; This time Aiesha came over. Jeez I hope I didn't bore her to death but I had a migraine and was very tired =/ OMG while she was trying to play DDR (she hasn't really played before so I got her to try) Jay and Josh were singing loser cuz she was dying -____-; so horribly rude =/ Went to gym. Really tired. I'll go sleep.

[06.25.03 11:00pm]   Babysat as usual @_@ Went bowling with Leo ^_^ Oh man it was horrid I lost so badly the first two games ^_^; During the 2nd game I think I went to bowl the ball and like as I swung back or whatever (picture this anime style) I sent the ball backwards towards Leo ^_^; Yea it was great ^_^; It was so embarrassing ^_^; The last game I won tho HA! LOL (Just cuz the cpu thingy didn't read when I bowled so I got to bowl like 3 times till I got a strike XD) But yea, chill out people -_____-;

[06.24.03 11:45pm]   Chis just went home <3 It was funny...everyone kept staring but they didn't say anything ^_^; Today was Meg's birthday (shes 6 although she acts 16 -___-;) He didn't really fit in I guess and it didn't help that I had to run around and do stuff...I think my sisters were nice to him ^_^ and of course my critters <3ed him as usual. Meg was kinda a bum and didn't come down from upstairs for her whole party. -____________-; Special guest appearance by Bao. It was fun, I'm glad I got to invite Chis to a family thing. More points for him ^_^

[06.21.03 10:45pm]   Wow being a girl sucks lol. So emotional. -_-; Oh well. Last night/this morning. Ugh...felt horrid =( K so today woke up kinda too early but I had to find out if we were still gonna see movie. Met Chis at Muvico for Alex & Emma XD Eeeeee 1st sappy chick flick movie I've dragged him to XD SO CUTE! (I looked around and was like OMG there are like no guys here! But there were 2 others along with a bunch of women who I must note a handful were all by themselves =/) So yea afterwards I didn't get to play DDR (dang yesterday there were some azns that kept lookin ^_~) Oh! I got to wear my fav hat today XD I finally wore my blue shorts. My mom looked at me and was like are you wearing that when you go to school....jeez I finally look "girly" enough for her and she gets all ~_~ about it. Oh well. LoL it's all short shorts and long guy shorts this summer- always from one extreme to the other with me (well they aren't that short >_<) So after the movie, Chis came home with us and he bought me a slurpee @ 7-11 <3 Went to his house to pick up something for my crazy sister ^_^; Went back home and Kit Kat and Josh were already there. Their mom had to do something so I babysat them. The usual- DDR, crazy stuffs, screaming etc. Josh broke a plate and the tile got messed up I'm surprised how my mom kept that in. If it were Meg man she would have gotten it -_-; After they left, Jay & Meg went with my mommy to Blockbuster so I took a nap with Chis <3 I love how everything just kinda goes away when he's holding me XD K I'll save ya'll from the sap ^_^; Beat him in Rival Schools XP hehehehe Jay & Meg came back and started watching Spy Kids 2 then his mommy came =(

[06.21.03 12:24am]   So I'm sitting here- on the computer and its past midnight. Why am I still on? I don't know. I guess I'll talk about my day since no one else wanted to hear about it. Ya'll can always just close the windows anyway and I wouldn't know. Got up, showered, drank my medicine but I didn't eat anything prior so I got kinda sick x_x. Went to dentist, went to see Rugrats Go Wild (cute ^_^) with the critters. Dropped them off, went to the Old Navy outlet down in Miami and bought some shorts for summer and a few shirts and 2 new visors XD I love my hats XD Went home. Yea, kinda went downhill from there. Don't know what else to type...sorry if this entry isn't as enthusiastic as my others.

[06.20.03 11:45am]   Song of the moment: Ender Will Save Us All - DC

[06.19.03 10:45pm]   Today was alrite...kinda down right now...=/ Woke up at around 3 as you can see...yea I'll not explain that. Went back to sleep eventually. Woke up again to my little sister screaming. Ate, got dressed went to eye doc. Went home ate, went to dentist. Found out that I wasn't drugged up enough so had to go back freakin 2000 mg. Crazy. Talked on the phone with Chis while waiting for my mom to pick up. Got home and it was rainy ^_^ People weren't done with the shutters- my room is left. While they were drilling and junk I blasted some All American Rejects XD (Swing Swing is so awesome to blast...) Critters left- left my room a disaster area =/ Posters got bent >_< Ate, played game cube a bit. Got disconnected a million times and yea.

[06.18.03 recap]   Went to orthodontist...said they couldn't take my braces off for senior picture T_T oh well...whatever I'll spaz out about it later when it's closer. I still need to reschedule ^_^; Got baby blue to match my favorite hat...wow that sounds kinda shallow ^_^; (shallow's not the word but I can't think of anything better rite now) Yea....oh! Went to Chili's with Han and his friends for his birthday XD Got there kinda late (I <3 Meg so much -_-;). Other than Han, there was Sean and later Hudson but yea I don't really fit into that group ^_^; (I don't really fit into any group now that I think of it....) It's k tho all was good ^_^

[06.19.03 04:45am]   Awake. Annoyed. Disappointed.

[06.19.03 03:25am]   Screw discouraging people.

[06.17.03 11:11pm]   Oooo make a wish! (it's 11:11 ^_^;) Only 14 more days of Jillness.....Today was pretty hectic but I lived. Chis came over <3 (and yes things are ok despite what I sound like when you ask about him. I swear, being "alive" is my response to *everyone* about *anyone*) My parents went to Home Depot and my mom bought me a new cactus! (last year around this time I got "Fred" my "flamboyant" cactus [it's this awesome orange]) This one's yellow and I named it Barney (like from Flintstones ya know?) I'd take a pic of it but well ::cough:: someone is a takerbacker and took back a birthday present. Grr. Yea so went to gym afterwards while Chis went to plant trees with his daddy hehehehehehe (dangit what does trees mean?) But yea...had nammi Sweet Tomato oriental chicken salad for dinner =d Tomorrow is a big day ~_~ I'll find out if my braces will be off in time for senior picture ::prays:: (and yes it is a big thing, and no I'm not blowing it up- this picture will go up with all the other graduation pictures in my house and ugh you have no idea what it means to have a picture up in my house =/)

[06.16.03 10:42pm]   ::sigh:: I'm bored....no one talking....what happened to my whitelighter? Today was crazy...the critters were crazy. Helped Jay finish the LOTR game. Again tried to finish Kingdom Hearts but again they took over -_-; I don't know....blah. =*(

[06.15.03 11:14pm]   Happy FATERS DAY! LoL So what did I do this weekend? Nothing ^_^; Friday (er I think it was Friday) I babysat (woohoo $_$) and Chis came over so now I have sound on my cpu <3 (I blasted Swing Swing so many times I love that song ^_^;) Saturday day was pretty crappy. Meg was a pain. Had a migraine. Today did nothing again. Tried playing Kingdom Hearts (I didn't touch it after Xmas break was over) but Meg kept taking over -_-; AOL is a pain in the arse and yea that was kinda the last staw- I'm adding Bellsouth to the list of numbers I have to call tomorrow (along with the driving people). Gah I don't know. I know there's alot to do...I just don't feel like doing it.

[06.15.03 10:40pm]   Older Vito! Hehehehehe I heart Vito even if he fell off the face of Jill's earth ^_^; Come to think of it, lots of people fell off Jill's earth...(some were pushed ^_~) but most just kinda fell =(

[06.09.03 8:54pm]    Oooo look only 2 days after the last entry! LoL Sunday it was stormy. Went to Chis' for a while. Today I didn't go to school ~_~ went to get erm I dunno what it's called....but it's an ultrasound on my heart =/ Great fun- the lady there at the desk, woah I wanted to hit her. Hard. In the face. LoL Seriously she's all disgruntle and stuffs. First off I wasn't sure what window I had to go to cuz there were 5 windows and none of em were titled what I needed. So I go up to what I thought fit mines best and was like "scuse me I have to get an EKG done. I have an appointment." and shes like "we don't do those. you're at the wrong place." I was like erm, no. So I hand her my referal and shes like I can't read this, its just a bunch of codes. I was just thinking to myself you are suppose to know -___-; and as Mr. Marc would say "A brink in your face!" Finally my mom comes up and gives her some more papers and shes like ohhh it's not an EKG its a echo-something. Then she gives me papers and is like no you can't fill them out have your mother do it in this witchy tone and ugh blah blah somemore witchy stuff but I can't remember. There were a whole bunch of people and I was there for like 2 hours =/ The lady with me was having an ultrasound done on her pelvis. I was just glad I wasn't her ^_^; Unrelated note: I had eggroles and fried rice for breakfast/lunch and dinner XD Oh and I fixed the pics from English class- sorry about that.

[06.07.03 10:50pm]    I'm going to start blogging as often as possible, when I go to Philly (yes everything in my world revolves around going to Philadelphia, you don't understand how much I expect from this trip) I'll probably use my deadjournal account from Connie <3 So yea today...hmm today was alrite. Woke up, went to see Finding Nemo ::cough without Han cough:: lol jk but Aiesha was able to make it ^_^ along with the like 5 other critters ^_^; Afterwards some family drama and then I went to get my eyes checked. I don't really need new glasses so just contacts are new. Went home (that was from 3-6 x_X) and chilled with Jay and played DDR. After dinner I was just planted in front of the TV cuz my sister decided to take over the computer ::sigh:: Anyways....yea it's official, all of June I will be babysitting again for $. Hopefully all of it won't go towards buying my own art supplies =/ 
              Lalala what to talk about...everyone is away...haven't seen Chis in a while....::thinks:: the last time was like um when I went to see Bruce All Mighty? Yea I think so..I don't even remember heh. Not gonna see him till next week but that's kinda my choice. Probably cuz I like to mess things up. I like being depressed and angry. Even if I don't know why exactly. That's exactly how I am rite? Yep. (wow I'm tired of that BS oh man I see a rant coming on) Oh well. I just consider it as conditioning for the summer.

[06.03.03 10:19am]    I just want to say thanks to everyone who was really sweet and actually gave a crap about me when I wrote my previous entry- <3 you guys ^_^ Things are well I dunno, gotta give it time cuz well I'm the one at fault so it'll take a bit to get better...so far things are alrite. So yea I didn't go to school today cuz lately I've been an insomniac....::sigh:: I went to the doctor yesterday and it's time for Jill's cardiologist visit >_< stupid doctors. So much to do before I go to Philadelphia, so stressing. It'll be worth it. I'm determined for things to kick ass in Philadelphia you don't understand how desperate I've gotten =/ It's officially one more month till I go but for now I have to survive the last week and a half of school and family. I'll make it. I need to. Need to get away.

[05.31.03 12:59am]    Well the last time I wrote was like a month ago and I find that I always end up blogging only when I have to rant and there is no one to talk to. Even then, I usually keep it to myself. Screw the censoring myself. Whoever reads this reads this- if  I know you or not. If you don't want to read what I have to say then just close the window.
<pour heart out>
    So it's Thursday night and Chris hasn't called so I decide to call him. He never calls, I could fall off the freaking face of the earth and as long as my away was on he wouldn't know until probably a week later. So whatever, I call knowing he wouldn't call anyways. He picks up and he's with his friends, which is kewl I expected that. Not wanting to waste his friends time I ask if he could come over Friday. He says no he has plans. Wait...this was coming from the person who was all "when will I see you" just the previous night. I had some unnecessary family crap piled up and I cleaned it up to make some time for him and now he has plans? Ok....how about saturday? Nope. Ok basically that was pissing me off now. I mean instead of no I have plans, how about asking what time so that oh I don't know he could possibly find some small amount of time for me as I did for him. So yea that must of popped into his head a lil late cuz then he asks what times I could see him and well by then it sounded more of a "oh yea I could maybe squeeze you in." After freaking going through the trouble of clearing time up for him (if you know me and my family, particularly my sister you would understand), I didn't need to flat out know that I was like not a priority. Perhaps I over analyzed it (too much of Mr. Bugallo's class) but hey, thats how I took it. So of course I say I'm not upset when he asks if I am (why? because thats how I work. thats how I'm raised) After I realize that well erm yea I am so I think ill text him and tell him. He calls and I dont pick up, basically because well I guess I was just being a bitch. I go to sleep after a while and Friday whatever I go to pick up my yearbook. He's online so I say hi and try to apologize but he has to go so he leaves. Day goes by, he's not online so I call. He doesn't pick up. I text, then turn off my phone and try to sleep. If he doesn't call then at least I won't know and I'll think oh he just couldn't get through. Of course, I end up turning on my phone every 5 minutes and then back off again. There's no one online to talk to- not that I'd have anyone to talk to. Chris being my boyfriend and bestfriend doesn't exactly work when I have to talk about him. I guess I can't help that, I've just gotta find another person to be my bestfriend too. Invested in too much cotton as Max said...::sigh:: I really need someone but all the other people don't work...we've drifted too much i guess...(not just because of me). So I just have my blog. I know things will probably work out...I mean I always screw things up like this and it goes back to the way it was- the thing is is that the way things isn't good. I've gotta detach myself I guess...I just need to lessen the attention that I need...not expect him to talk to me everyday...not over analyze things. Sometimes I just feel like that sick puppy always clinging and that he enjoys me needing him so much. I know he needs me too but I guess over the years he's learned not to. I'm still at the point where talking to him everyday, especially since I don't see him during the week, is a need. For some reason that part doesn't sound that unreasonable in a relationship. I mean a quick "hey Im sorry I've gotta sleep" would do...But hey what do I know? Maybe it just how it's suppose to be. Someone tell me?

[04.15.03 12:24am]    Jeez it's been so long....it's not that I haven't had anything to say..I just feel that I always have to censor myself on this one cuz I know alot of people that I know read this ^_^; Well I'm not going to recap the past 2 months cuz it'd just be too much ^_^; I'll just start with today and then move on from there. It's finally spring break (today was the first day) and I'm gonna be staying home ~_~ Oh well, I've got alot of things to get done anyway...It's almost May and that means AP Exams X_x I'm only worried about Art History though so I gotta study my ass off for it. Didn't do much today...woke up and felt like crap..I often depress myself =/ Stayed in bed for a while, ate, went back to bed. Cleaned my room. Started looking at the summer programs of the other schools I haven't gotten info from. Halfway done with the list x_X I'm heading towards the University of Arts in Philadelphia right now but maybe I'll find something else. I'd really like to go to a state where I haven' t been before just so that I could add it to the list you know? It'll be my first time going somewhere totally on my own...for a month >_< But if I go to Philly I'll have my cousins ~_~ which is kewl but it kinda dumbs down the whole on your own thing you know? I'm pretty sure I'd be living in the dorm but still. A whole month. It's a whole month without family (good and bad) and without Chis and my friends...I've gotta do this though and it'll only be a month ^_^