This site created: July 9, 1999
Last updated:7/29/06' NEW ln Prince Lotor's gallery....#2 pencil drawing of Lotor as the fourth blood cousin in Malice Mizer.
I see Lotor as a man who has a very good singing voice and he makes a great Elegant Gothic Aristocrat.
Also new on 7/29/06' a color pencil drawing in the Bad Boy's Gallery, The Count from "Gankutsusu" The Count of Monte Cristo.
Welcome to my Shrine. It is a shrine
for my Prince - Prince Lotor, Crown Prince of Doom. I am Sugerlite, his
faithful harem slave and lover. I am also known as the poet and artist
Samara but only because I do so in secret.
I am more than a harem girl of course
though my Prince does not know that yet. I am loyal to my handsome Prince
and I would do anything for him - even help him accquire his true love
Princess Allura of Arus.
I was a conquest of battle, for
Doom forces with the black magic of Witch Hagar invaded it. I was a special
gift for Prince Lotor - a harem girl.
But I am more than that - I am a
lover, a sorceress, a friend and his companion. Although my prince has
many women - all special in their own right, I remain faithful to my Prince.
I love him with all my heart and soul and this he knows and cherishes.
I invite you to come and explore
my gallery and perhaps dwell in other worlds that explore the world of
my handsome prince and those he has fought and loved.
So come into my Shrine where the
pictures I paint of my Prince hang. Come and read the stories of those
who know him best.
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PLEASE NOTE: After almost five years Crosswinds deleted my Gallery. My work was a and is clean as you know but they are now a pay only service. New works will be added to my "Bad Boys Gallery" for now. Look for most of my Warlords art on Swiftgold's Warlords site soon. Thank you Amanda.

Lotor Good Looking Society Webring site owned by Sammie-Ma
a.k.a. "The Maid".
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"Sugerlite's Prince Lotor
Shrine" ©1999 by Sammie-Ma. All rights reserved.