:: - - :: BBS :: - - :: Wallpaper :: - - :: CM :: - - :: Links :: - - :: GMP ::

.: Introduction :.
.. Welcome to X-GLAY. If you are a visitor for the first time, this site is a GLAY news & multimedia web site. Check the 'Past Updates' section to find older posts.

.: My Notes :.
2006.05.02 - It has been a while since I updated, I know. I just did not feel like updating at all. I could have taken time out to update this but I didn't, gomei. Well I guess I'll just update what I know (not much by the way).

First Art Style of GLAY's web site was updated and Winning Hotel has these GLAY rooms hehe. One thing I found weird is that... Shun from Exile leaves the group just a while after working with GLAY or Mayday breaking up a while after working with GLAY.

Great GLAY Site To Visit: GLAY ONE LOVE

I uploaded a GLAY video for a friend few weeks ago. The live performance of I'm in Love from Pure Soul '98. If you haven't seen it, you can download it here.

and that's pretty much it... I am so behind when it comes to anything GLAY lately. However, I do have tons of those "interesting links" below.

For those that don't talk to me on MSN and wants to know my life. Well here it goes... I just started my summer break. I finally got the GLAY songbook cd album (this sucker was hard to get...) so I finally got all of their official albums... I got a new pair of headphones (god damn Sennheiser HD-497... finding a replacement wire for the headphone is impossible in Toronto), Sony MDR-XD200. I finally got Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Wow talk about awesome camera angles and action scenes, cloud holding 2 swords is just amazing. But man did it take long for it to release it in North America). I also can't wait for Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus. I also love YUI, her music is amazing.

.: Interesting Links :.
- YUI: Life (bleach end. song)

Goggle Videos:
- Talking Cats
- Women Police in Iran = Special Forces of America
- Coolest way of fishing
- Cat on Ice
- Beckham Owned
- Soccer Dribbling
- Amazing Soccer Skills & Tricks

YouTube Links:
- Sand Drawings (if you are warm blooded and have a huge heart, I bet you will cry watching this)
- Extremely Funny Japanese Short Clip (power rangers parody)
- Real Life Simpsons Intro (pretty cool)
- Urban Ninja (crazy jumps & flips)
- Funny Korean Japanese School Girls
- Some more Ninjaing
- Amazing & Sexy dance done by only High school girls
- Christmas Lights Gone Wild
- Knife Skills
- The Yoyo Man
- Chinese Backstreet Boys
- Amazing Sexy Dancer
- Table Tennis Players are crazy
- Very good independent video
- Jrockers are dorks (I laughed a lot watching this)
- Don't think all killer whales are friendly...
- Invisible Skateboards (I really wonder how they did this)
- Final Fantasy Live
- Nintendo Sixty Four!
- Resident Evil 4 Destruction
- Remember Song 2?

- Funny Flash Game
- Sony Erricsson Black Diamond
- Top 10 Most Peculiar Places
- X Gallery


.: My Notes :.
2006.02.28 - Carolina Marin Ruiz, the one whom I love to death said NO to the decision. This webmaster is now very sad.

.: My Notes :.
2006.02.27 - What I am about to write is the most important message I have ever written for you. This message is about the decision I made. The decision I make today is extremely important to me. I do not know if you feel the same but I hope you do, it proves to me how serious you take our relationship (as friends and as ex's). Having you in my life have made me learn, feel, and change a lot about who I am & what I want to do in the present and future. Before meeting you, I know nothing about Colombia or South America, I did not want to learn Spanish (I wanted to learn Japanese), and the thought of going to South America have not been on my mind ever before.

I have always prayed to god and wished for someone to find me, someone whom I Love and Loves Me, my Soul Mate. My wish did come true, you found me. You are sweet, loving, caring, intelligent, interesting, computer literate, baka, sexy, cute, demanding, hot, dreamy, beautiful, and so much more. You're a local LAN Mistress (mine for life), a model, my teacher, my psychiatrist, my hime, and my angel. Seeing you smile makes me smile, seeing you cry makes me want to cry. When you are happy, I am happy. When you are sad, I am sad. You are the only person in this world that can affect me so much, no one else have ever been able to change me so much but you. I am a very strong willed person, some say stubborn, some say picky. But when it comes to you, I try to change. Not only are you able to do that, you create meaning to the songs I listen to. For example, "Beloved", "Beautiful Dreamer", and "White Road". Those were songs I never liked so much until I heard you sing it. You made the song better than what it was for me.

I got a microphone, webcam, Skype, and turned on my cellphone, use SMS, a HP camera, and soon a plane ticket. There are so many things we have done together during the past months. We sang for each other and together, we were baka for each other and together, we did and made many things for each other and together. We learned english/spanish together, we gave Q-Ti its name, we named our special time BilLina time, you as my loue, we woke each other up before (I love you as my alarm clock), we tried Skype together, video chat together, played Solitare together, played that ICQ game, hate DHL together, hack each other's minds, there are always something new for us. Then of course we tried our best to be there for each other, cheer each other up when we feel bad. There is never a dull moment between us. One thing I cannot forget is how we loved each other, and together.

Yes it is strange, loving someone whom I have not met, touched, or seen in real life. But what is Love? I don't believe love is something you can touch physically. If my love for you is all about how you look, how you feel, and someone to look at everyday, then it is not true love. I know I love you because without you I feel pain in my heart, it makes me unstable, I cannot think, I cannot sleep, and even swallowing my food is hard. Even though my heart is not bleeding, there is this intangible amount of pain that flows inside me like a waterfall of agony.

It was not just amazing meeting you, it was a life changing moment.

However I do miss the old times where you would SMS me at 11am and 4pm, when you send me gmail, when you say something sweet to me once I log right on.

This past week where I have to make my decision, I have thought about a lot of things, talked to a lot of people (some people that view my website added me to their MSN and asked about us), and even try to forget about you (I'm sorry but I had to see if I can do it too but it was unbearable for me, I cannot forget about someone I love so much). During this week I talked to an engaged women that lives in Malaysia and there was one advice she gave me. The advice was that I should give it my all for the relationship, that I should not give up until I know I tried my best. Because you are giving me this chance to choose, I am not going to give it up.

There are so many things we said we will do together, our plans, our goals. Restaurants to go to, movies to watch together, to visit each other, to-get-HER.

Am I still your everything?

This is my final decision if I want a new relationship for us:

I hope your decision is the same as mine, if not, I will be extremely sad.

To Me You Really Are My Everything .



.: My Notes :.
Rock'n'Roll Swindle2006.02.14 - HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Yes this is an update, you are not drunk, high, or dreaming. A lot of things happened to me since my last update and it is difficult for me to remember all of them. During my leave from X-GLAY, I have not been up-to-date with anything GLAY related. I missed a lot of pictures, news, audio, and videos that are related to GLAY. This long break from GLAY has been very nice, I did not spend any money, I got to save up. However I did not forget Hisashi's birthday on 02.02. :) This update is a start but don't expect any super updates from me. I'll write about GLAY first then if you are interested about what happened in my life, you can keep reading.

Short & simple, below are links related to GLAY's new concert ROCK'N'ROLL SWINDLE, reading from what ai wrote, there are only 2 new songs? (GLAY sure is lazy like me lately huh? Watch them release information about a new album/single tomorrow because I decided to update. Hehe!):

Teru!From DailySports:
- Link 1
- Link 2 (/w pic.)

From Sanspo:
- Link 1 (/w pic.)

From Sponichi Annex:
- Link 1 (/w pic.)

From Goo:
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3 (/w pic.)
- Link 4 (/w pic. & vid.)

From Yahoo!:
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3
- Link 4
- Link 5 (/w pic.)
- Link 6 (/w pic. & vid.)

From Oricon:
- Link 1
- Link 2 (/w pic.)
- Link 3 (/w pic. & vid.)

- Link 1 (vid.)

From Nikkansports:
- Link 1

LAYLA Live Video (posted here)
ROCK'N'ROLL SWINDLE Live Video (posted here)

Official Web Site

-> SET LIST <-
-> Zepp Tokyo Translated Version By ai <-
-> Bodokan Translated Version By ai <-


What Happened To Fhèxz:
In a nutshell, I have just been struggling with life itself. I get emotional, depressed, and lifeless a lot during the months I departed from X-GLAY (still am sometimes...). There are days where I really just do not want to do anything like eat, go out, talk, think, hear, etc. About a week after my last update (07.30), I had 2 GLAY fans find me on MSN , one from Italy and one from Colombia. At that moment, I was just wasting time at home a lot or going out with my friends; I just lived life without any goals, projects, or ideas (which I still am lately...).

Then somehow me and the fan from Colombia talked more. We talked about our lives, she opened her heart to me, and then I opened mine to her. We were just GLAY fan friends at start, then we became special friends because we talked about our deepest feelings and secrets, now we are both in love with each other. It only took 4-5 months before I fell in love with her. It is incredible, she is the only person in my whole life where I have used 10 hours of my day just talking. Since we first met on MSN, we talked with each other every single day (only about 5 days in total have we not talked during the past 6 months). We talked for 3 hours a day, it is incredible. In November I was home alone for 3 weeks (Parents went on a vocation), I smoked a lot, went out a lot, and was depressed a lot. She was there for me when I needed someone to talk to. That was when I fell in love with her. Then on my birthday, she sent me a surprise gift with a t-shirt, origami, 4 letters, and a hand-made scarf made by her; called me just before 12am; and posted a Happy Birthday message here on X-GLAY @ 12am . That was the sweetest thing anyone has done for me for my birthday. However the perfect days didn't last, we got into arguments, we have cultural differences, and the distance problem. I fell in love with a girl that lives in a culture that is so wild, so loose, and also have friends that are mostly guys. I felt insecure, seeing guys hugging her in pictures. But I have grown to accept it... It is very hard to do. I try desperately to keep this relationship going because I really think she is my soulmate, she see signs/things which I thought only I have seen. We like many things that are exactly the same. Even crazier is sometimes I write what she is about to say before she even writes it on MSN and vice versa. We always say we hack each other's mind. However one thing is for sure, falling in love with someone that lives so far and different culture from you is very hard. The view of love itself is so different, hers & I, that is where problems come up. I decided once and for all that I will go and see her, to know if she really is my soulmate, one I want to be with the rest of my life. So I got another part-time job and I have been saving money for a round-trip to Colombia from Canada since December and taking Spanish lessons (since January). During christmas, I worked all week, in a department store and in a restaurant. We had many good & bad nights, me and her. I have felt the most happy and the most sad when I talk with her. There was even a day I felt so heart broken that I couldn't feel anything while walking in the rain on sandals at 3am and that I felt like life was at an end. I knew I love her to death when she can make me feel so much. She is like my life giver and taker.

As time pass, here we are now, Valentine's day. Have you given your significant other a present yet? I have... and the shipping costed even more than the product I shipped to my love. You don't have a significant other yet? That is okay, he/she will come eventually, I never thought I will fall in love with someone over the internet. I didn't even plan to find a girlfriend until I have my own apartment and car but when love comes, it comes. If you really love your other, spend at least a whole day's worth of salary on her/him, Valentine's Day is only once a year afterall. Life is short, you might die tomorrow.

Carolina Marin Ruiz, Yo Te Amo!


.: My Notes :.
GLAY DAY 20052005.07.30 - It is that time again. GLAY DAY 2005. However this time there isn't much of any new content like song previews. Either way go check out GLAY DAY 2005's web site at www.glayexpo.com. I'm still waiting for my SCREAM single in the mail, it sure is taking its sweet time. Nothing new happened to me this week either except waste more money on useless things. This summer sure flew by fast, I have so many things that I haven't done yet such as a big house cleaning. Anyhow here are all the links to GLAY DAY 2005:

--->> GLAY DAY 2005 <<---

-) Web Radio (-
  - Part I
  - Part II
  - Part III
  - Part IV

- ) Expo 1999 (-
  - Description

- ) Expo 2001 (-
  - Tokyo Description

  - Hokkaido Description
  - Kyushu Description

-) Expo 2004 (-
  - Description

-) Museum (-
  -Virtual Expo Museum

-) Present (-


.: My Notes :.
Hi everyone, miss me? It's been a very long time since my last update, exactly 7 months. I believe we have a record people! *cheers* I was actually going to update a little later but people on MSN are talking about how outdated my last post is... So I got off my lazy butt and started doing something. First of all, let me get some things strait.

#1) I'm not dead!
#2) I'm a guy (I've been to some links that linked this web site claiming I was a girl... sigh)
#3) My out of date bio is here (need some updating on the information there such as my age and picture)
#4) I'm totally lost on what's happening with GLAY but from what I observe in HSSS, it doesn't look like they've updated much either (maybe they're following my lazy trend?)
#5) ai I love you, your posts are what is letting me catch up what's happening right now... *kiss kiss* (hopefully you're not a guy but oh well, it's done)

Never the less, I have gotten the new Dome Tour DVD and man widescreen rocks (funny because couple days ago I was talking to a fan on the net about how this dvd rocks because of the widescreen and he told me Expo '04 had it too and I had no idea [Yet I have the dvd!!! But never watched it yet]), I'm still waiting for SCREAM in the mail, so I'd be posting pictures when I get it. I had to get my limited edition from Yesasia. >.< Since I was so out of date, I found out about SCREAM too late and Cdjapan didn't have any limited edition left and nether did HMV... *sigh there goes my poster, cries*. I've seen the PV and I must say it's different then your usualy GLAY works and I consider this good since their latest stuff is getting boring, the guitar is pure rock in SCREAM, vocal wise... PV screenshots here (thanks to ai for this post for the link). SCREAM is the theme song for a tv program call DOORS.

For those that visit here, you probably know how this website is basically a blog for years and of course will continue this way. However, a friend have convinced me to start a real blog myself, here's my new and undeveloped blog. If you use livejournal, tell me, I got no friends there. :( I can't wait until I get it fixed up and looking the way I want it, then maybe I have something to do everyday like writing how boring my life is everyday.

If you were wondering what I've been doing since my last post, well here it goes...:
Christmas - Got a laptop on Boxing Day (Canadian thing... December 26), got Training Day DVD
New Year - Can't remember
Chinese New Year - $$$, weeeee
Summer - Seen tons of movies such as Versus (omfg funniest movie ever! Don't forget to watch it English Dubbed, omfg funny funny funny. 100% must watch!), Fantastic Four (not as bad as I thought but ending felt like a lightning bolt, I recommend watching it if you're a comic fan or sci-fi freak otherwise don't), War of the Worlds (pretty good movie [good cg] considering how weird Tom Cruise is lately and his scientology addiction. Good movie if you're bored to death and got nothing to do), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Hmmm Angelina... *wipes drools*, oh come on, you know she's hot too. Great movie with tons of action, so recommended for action fans), Batman Begins (I believe this is the best movie I saw in Theatre this year, the story was good, action is mind blowing, special effects are good, great actors. I went with some girls for this movie and both of them said it was good, surprised me since it's a comic movie for nerds. So yea this movie seems to work for anyone). Elektra (sucks, period), Blade 3 (ruined the series big time), Constantine (pretty good for me, might not for you), The Jacket (one messed up movie, recommended if you like mystery movies), House of Flying Daggers (DON'T WATCH THIS, sorry for the caps but this movie blows so bad that I just have to spit at the movie itself. I was expecting HERO but what I got was crap), Ichi the Killer (pretty good movie, gory, but awesome, still don't know what the ending meant), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (watching this movie is like watching Harry Potter for the first time), Finding Neverland (come on it's got Johnny Depp, the movie was touching, not the best movie but good enough), Layer Cake (sorry but this ain't no Snatch or Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels). I believe I saw a few more but I really can't remember.

I've also spent many hours on a game call World of Warcraft (I quit just earlier this month). You can find my profile on wowrankings with the name Darksage. Before I quit I did some skins editing in the game here are some shots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 . I was also a professional pvper, check this out (I'm Darksage).

Well enough of what I've been doing with my time, let's get to GLAY. Here is what I missed:

Teru Fights Poverty! Teru joins many others in fighting poverty, check out the website: Hottokenai (click the picture on the left for a full-size of the thumbnail). If you haven't seen Live8 yet, you still can, awesome concerts worldwide.

Jiro's new band THE PREDATORS ("Runaway Runaway" in Bakuron Drop?). Here's Jiro and his Predator vocalist in Mother Music: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (thanks to glay grrl for the link). THE PREDATORS will be playing at the RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2005.

TERU ME NIGHT GLAY 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ~Summer of 05~ (ai posted), a couple of pictures at the official site.

Takuro is having a baby soon? Talk about fast.

GLAY DAY 2005 (July 31st).

GLAY X EXILE on Yahoo! Japan (talk and questionaires, July 29th).

Man how I am so behind in this GLAY news thing... I'll try to catch up once summer is over, I really don't want to go back to the nutty GLAY thing right now. Wait and watch, I'm sure someone will update the GLAY website once summer is done, it's been like that for as long as I haven't updated this website.

.: Interesting Links :.

~ A JET Teacher's Life (so funny reading about his life, Kancho Assassins!!! How I love Naruto [blame Kakashi for this])


.: My Notes :.
Teru & Takuro2004.12.22 - Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy doing something else with my time then to go chat on MSN, update X-GLAY, or even browse my daily web sites (a lot of them too). Not quite my normal self lately. This post will be a re-cap of news. If I missed anything, please go on the BBS and find it. Ai have been posting on the BBS with frequent news and I'm quite happy about that. I plan to change the layout but after two hour of trying and coming up with some crap, I quit. So I just decided to change the colors and call it a day.

Well I've had my copy of GLAY LIVE DVD BOX Vol.1 for ages and yet have opened it and my copy of GLAY EXPO 2004 and White Road single are in shipping right now (I chose the cheapest shipping this time since I'm in no hurry for White Road. *cough* crap *cough*). Also yes... the GLAY EXPO 2004 DVD incident, I guess I'll be getting the screwed up copy... Yet again Talbo Secret Factory (I just love the Hisashi picture, I just had to re-link it).

<< GLAY LIVE DVD BOX Vol.1 Clips >>
Jiro Produced Acoustic Live: Narrowband & Broadband
GLAY Arena Tour 2000: Narrowband & Broadband
GLAY Expo 2001 (Tokyo Dome): Narrowband & Broadband

<< White Road CM >>

Correct Version: Here
Alternate Version: Here

<< GLAY EXPO 2004 >>
Compilation Clip: Narrowband & Broadband

Below is link to GLAY Calendar 2005 Pictures (from Yahoo! Japan Auction):

Here's my treat for not updating for a while:

Hisashi Jiro Takuro Teru

Okay here goes the update. Do you remember GLAY ONLINE? Well the webmaster and some other person started a new site call GLAY NEWS CENTRAL (G.N.C.), go check it out. Also do you remember the Hokkaido Stew CM GLAY did earlier? Well they're at it again. It's on the House Foods CM site:

2004 Fall Theme: 45k & 300k
2004 Winter Theme: 45k & 300k

Okay I've had enough writing and linking for today so I'm going to make it just links from now on, check out the links below:

- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3
- Link 4
- Link 5

White Road MakingLast and not least HSSS has updated their sample members site with some making pictures of White Road, go click the picture and check it out. A lot more else is on the sample site, have fun.

So how was this update huh?

** Thank You for those who remember my birthday, it means a lot and don't worry I'm not dead. Just virtually dead, ha ha.**

If you got GLAY news, post it on the BBS since I won't be catching up to GLAY as much for now.

That's it for today, bye bye.

.: Interesting Links :.

~ None @ the moment

For PV's Go to:
Ladymercury's GLAY Tracker

    Past Updates:

Webmaster: fhexz (email, msn, icq are all confidential)
* that means I find you and not the other way around