Hey there. Stop, take a break and have a look around the web page dedicated to the
  cutest fighter who's after Soul Calibur. And who, you might ask, could that be? Why
  it's me, of course?

  I'm Seung Mina of the Seung School of Long Blade Martial Arts, but you can call me
  Mina if you like. I'm a pretty informal kinda girl.

  I have graciously donated much of my web space to the wonderful (and cute -_^)
  webmaster of yggdrasil.net.nz, Steve, so I've only got a little information to share with
  you about myself. You should go check out his web site. Just follow this link.

  Well, you can see from my picture above that I'm stunningly beatuiful, but what about
  my personality? Well, how can I tell you what I'm like? Obviously I'm generous, just
  look my donation of this webspace, but other than that I'm going to leave it to a friend
  to tell you more. I might be biased towards myself a little. So, I'll give you a few details
  and let my friend continue.

  Name : Seung Mina
  Weapon : Ancestral Zanba-to
  Weapon Name : Scarlet Thunder
  Style : Seung's Long Blade and Ling-Sheng Su Style Rod
  Age : Just right
  Birth Date : November 3
  Family : Father: Seung Han Myong, Mother and younger brother deceased
  Birth Place : Chili-San, Lee Dynasty Korea
  Height : 5 foot 4 inches
  Weight : 106 lbs
  Blood Type : A

Here's a cute picture of me doing
some hand to hand practice

It's yours for the taking
Thanks to Namco

  Now let me introduce my friend, Perry so he can provide you with more, unbiased
  information. Don't let the zanba-to held to his neck make you think he might write
  something untrue.

  Um, Mina, you know I would never say anything bad about you, don't you?

  Well, tell them the good things then.

  Hmm, what can I say about you? Well, one thing you have to say is that she's
  not at all indecisive. If there's a decision to be made, she'll do it. Even if it's making
  a decision for someone else. Yeeeooow. Don't hit me

  Then don't say bad things about me, jerk.

  Alright, alright, but I'm only telling the truth. Anyway, she's really a great person.
  Usually kind and considerate, she is one of the nicest people I have ever met. But
  don't let the cute and fuzzy exterior deceive you. Underneath, she is as calm and
  in control as anyone I have met. That, along with her years of training, is what
  makes her such a great fighter. While she is highly spontaneous in her actions, she
  still always knows what she's doing and can stop if things are going too far.
  A truly lovely person and a great friend.

  Well, there you have it. From the mouth of the innocent and unbiased Perry.

  Um. Mina, you can move the weapon from my neck now. Everyone knows you're

  Heh Heh. You're such a kidder, Perry. Well, that's it from me for now. Come back
  anytime. And don't forget to visit the Soul Calibur main site by clicking on the image
  to the right.

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Click on the picture.

The promotional poster

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Seung Mina and Soul Calibur are copyright Namco Cybertainment. All rights reserved.