The Purple Sun Page

I Dedicate This Story To

The Philosophy Of The Purple Sun

The sun is purple.
The clouds are blue.
The trees are green.
The fairies are brown.
The sun eats the clouds.
The trees walk on the clouds.
The fairies live in the trees.
Therefore, the trees, clouds and fairies are in danger!

HOW will we do this, you ask?
Well, we must turn the sun blue!
And how shall we do that!?
Well, we must make the sun laugh!
I don’t know...

BUT! My wize friend Minako-san knows!
She told me that if we were to chuck the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man at the sun....
he WILL laugh!
But sadly, try we did, all that happened was TRAGETY!!!!!
The Marshmallow Man!...!!!!
BUT the world ate good!
Sadly for the world it was their last meal... FOR...

The world died that day.....

BUT! The world! It RE-INCARNATED!!

But the sun remains Purple.....

The Moon is Silver...
Yellow Moon Bunnies live there.
Their leader is the Great Danish, Snuggle Puff!!!
She is orange
She provides them with Fushia colored Moon Cakes,
and White Hair Ties
for Night School!

Night School is where
the Moon Bunnies throw the Moon Cakes at the Purple Sun
in hopes that
it will turn

It was reported once
that a Moon Bunny, named Kelly, threw herself upon the Purple Sun!!
But what happened to that poor one...
is quite sad....

She was turned into a Grey Flamingo!
At least her life was not taken, but not a one shall try THAT again!

But alas...

But the sun remains Purple.....

This isn't THE original philosophy, but rather one that was added to to incorperate all the friends I had at the time. If you want to make this thing super long then maybe you could write a part for yourself in it, and if I like it, I'll maybe add it. (And yes that's a random sprite graphic of Queen Zeal from Chrono Trigger! getoverit)

I just want to thank those who took the time to view my page, and I hope that you liked it! Feel free to E-mail me a conclusion of it if you wish, or just a comment on it. PLEASE don't send me anything that's just plain bad!

It's also all up to you to decide if you would like a new addition to this page! Either a "Become a Moon Bunnie" sign up page and/or an "Adopt a Moon Bunnie Foundation". If we have both then the people that become Moon Bunnies can then be adopted by other people and live a happy existance e-mailing their "parent(s)" and all will be happiness! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!!
