Once again I apologize to all of the members and non-members for not having the page up and running. But see! I'm making progress! Very few of the links are operational unless they are different colors from the rest of the text. I sill want to encourage anyone and everyone who wants to join to
do so! If you are interested, click on the text below! Thanks so much! E-mail's are welcomed! Click HERE!
Welcome to the Sailor Moon Fan Club where our motto is "All of the Senshi, all of the time." We welcome any new members so join the fun! Click on the button of your choice on the toolbar below to get yourself started. I know some of the links aren't fully operational yet, but it will
just be a matter of time before the page reaches completion. Thank you for all of your patience.
Attention All Members!!!
The member badges and banners are here!! Yeah, I know, FINALLY! Sorry 'bout that, but you can pick your badge and banner of choice in the
Lookie! It's Helios! You can easily adopt a pet like this one and many others just by clicking on the text above! Good stuff!! Check it all out!
For any members interested in getting a free e-mail service through this club, click below for details. This is offered by ZZN.
If you have your own club or webpage and you would like an e-mail service like this one, click below for details. This is another free service offered
by ZZN.
Sorry, I have to do the legal stuff: The characters of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon are Copyright(c) by Takeuchi Naoko, Kodansha, Toei Animation, Bandai, Amada, Banpresto since 1991. This club, idea, page, and graphic design were created by Emily Ibara since November 13, 1998. This club is hosted by Fortunecity. Please do not use our ideas, edited pictures or
html format from this website unless told that you can do so. Page posted on July 7th, 1999. Thanks for your cooperation. Whew! What a mouthful!