Welcome to my shrine to in my opinon the BEST character in Neon Genesis Evangelion,Gendo Ikari. In addition you'll find alot of information and other stuff about Evangelion. So stick around and comeback often for updates to this site.
Driven from paradise, man escaped to this earthly existance on the edge of death. Created by the weakest of beings created by the sapients born from that weakness....This paradise is our creation.
--Gendo Ikari ( in a discussion with Kozo Fuyutski about Tokyo-3 )
This page updated on March 28th, 1999
What's New
Fixed some errors in history page (3/28/99)
Took off message board (getting a new one soon)(3/28/99)
Born in 1976 as Gendo Rokobungi, Gendo grew up in what was then Tokyo before attending University of Kyoto. It was here that in 1999 he met Yui Ikari who was affiliated with the orginization SEELE. Later Rokobungi would marry and become a member of SEELE himself....
Gendo Ikari's history
Gendo Ikari's history page 2
Gendo Ikari picture gallery
"Thank you" page
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Still here? Okay sorry about the total lack of updates to this page, just haven't been inspired to do ANY work on it ( I'm sure most of you know how that is ) but finally I think its about time I do do an update so things to look for in the near future.
- Create a links page
- Create a comprehensive End of Evangelion page ( for those of you who don't like fansubs )
Suggestions on how to make this site better?? Feel like leaving a message or just letting me know you where here?? Then PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!
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I can also be reached on ICQ ( my UIN# is 2437944 ) or Via e-mail at szymanm@elmo.nmc.edu
You are casuality number
of the Second Impact!!
WOO HOO this page just won another award!! check it out!!!