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In this picture, from left to right, Kasumi, Ukyo, Ranma(Girl-type), Akane, Shampoo, and Nabiki are standing on a beach somewhere. Destination unknown I...Guess. Hey! I figured that you guys already knew that info that was here so I'm deleting most of the nosense.
Okay! Mendou's Fanfic imporium is up & running right here. Enjoy!
Here's Soun In a really bad mood.
If you want to see something unusuall?!
Akane can dance!**heh heh heh** This is my favorite
group pic. This is Genma.
THIS TO is Genma. Genmapanda.
" girl ranma."
This is P-chan. He is a loveable looking, vicious little pigwho is the cursed form of Ryouga
Now, to the tendo sisters. This is Kasumi, She is the eldest sister. She does all the cooking around the Tendo household. Behold, this is
Nabiki, She can look at anything as a profit opportunity.
Akane is what you would call a tommboy.
Ranma on the roof.
Kodachi the black rose.
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Here' a picture of Shampoo punching.
Shampoo clinging to Ranma.
Shampoo punching Ranma.
this is a picture of Shampoo with a bottle.
Shampoo caught a breeze in this one.
Here's shampoo as a cat. I have a few of those.
If you like group pics, this one is with Shampoo & ranma.
This is another picture of the "cat"
I have another pic of Shampoo.
Here's anoter cat.
This is a picture of Shampoo in her DoCo years.
Watch out! She's got a Knife!
This is another group picture of Shampoo
& Ranma.
This is a great pic of Akane.
this is a picture of Shampoo hugging Ranma from the movie "Big trouble in Nekonron." Before this scene occured, Ranma was running after Happosai and away from Akane. Girl type Ranma, was chasing the "old man" but when they panned the screen left, you see Ryouga. In the background, you could here Ranma yelling," Slow down! Come back here you old man,
give it up already!" Then you here Akane yell," You're the one who should give it up Ranma, take that!" **swings mallet**
Ryouga said," Oh Akane, why is it I here your voice everywhere I go?" " Get back here!" ranma yelled. "I don't think so!" Happosai smurked. Ryouga asked, " 'I don't think so?'" All three of them run over Ryouga. Then Ryouga gets wet, and P-chan starts running after them. Ranma jumps onto a house where Happosai jumped. Happosai Jumped off the house. Ranma took a shingle and through it at Happosai and he flew accros the buildings saying," It's the only way to fly!" Now , to the picture, Ranma was on the roof when he heard a bicycle bell. Shampoo ran over Ranma!
Shampoo said," Ooh, Nihao Ranma, today beautiful." While on Ranma peddling her bike! " Shampoo! what do you think you're doing? Riding your bike up here?" Shampoo said, " Take shampoo to date." as she poured hot water on Ranma. She clinged to Ranma and jumped off the house. "(Boy Ranma) I'm not a bowl of instant noodles, ya know!" Akane said, What'd you think you're doing?" and poured cold water on them and Ranma ran off when shampoo turned into a cat.
I don't know the story behind this but, here's shampoo playing with a Ranma puppet.
Shampoo is really ticked in this picture.
This is a picture of a big shampoo, with a small Ranma
This is a picture of Shampoo with the evil glance from the curse of the contrary jewel,( the wacky broach)
This is a picture of Shampoo from the opening of "little date."
Here's a good pic of Shampoo's face.
And here's another.
This is one with Shampoo and Mousse together!
Like Shampoo?
this pic ture is with Ranma leaning over to Shampoo waiting for Shampoo to answer Ranma's question. She wanted to Know why Shampoo was running away from her. Shampoo Leaned over and
screamed right in Ranma's ear. As Shampoo was kicking Ranma Frantically she said, "Shampoo never want see Ranma ever again, Good bye!!" and Shampoo punched ranma so hard, She landed in the Tendo family's pond in the back yard.
This is a picture of Shampoo working at the Cat Cafe`.
This is a picture of Shampoo, as usuall, Clinging onto Ranma.
Shampoo's really got her hair down.
Here's a picture of Shampoo behind bars with Ranma looking in.
This is a picture of Shampoo when Colonge took off that broach and Colonge said that Ranma was going to confess his love to Shampoo.
Here's a picture of Shampoo soaking up the sun on an exotic beach somewhere, and you can see Mousse in the background.
I've got 2 pictures of Shampoo in swimsuits. Swimsuit 1, and Swimsuit 2.
Sometimes I wonder how many times Shampoo and Ranma are together.
Here is another picture of Sham-cat or Neko.
Talk about a deadly glance between Ukyo and Shampoo.
I Stand corrected, Shampoo's standing in the SNOW!*heh heh*:P
This is a picture of Shampoo in the Cat Cafe`, and this is one of Shampoo on a Delivery.
here's a picture of Shampoo with Colonge.
Girl Ranma.kawaii!
Boy Ranma with his arm around Girl Ranma.
A good pic Of Girl &boy Ranma.
Kuno fiddling with girl Ranma's "Wiles".
Girl Ranma is KISSING KUNO!
Mousse, Shampoo, Ryouga, Ranma, Akane,&Genma.
Ranma, Akane, Ukyo, & Shampoo in Bikinis.
Ranma kicking Ryouga's butt.
Ranma jumping.
Ranma clinging to a door.
A gift from Kuno.
Ranma & the ocean.