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The crew working in Belize building a church we raise money for, Bro Baker, Bro Randy, Bro Castleberry & Bro Ray returned on August 24th. Click here

Remember to continue diligently with our 40 days of fasting, praying and Bible reading so that we may present this as a memorial before The Lord From August 1st until Sept 9th.

We are all a loving group of people which serve the Lord with much enthusiasm and dedication. That is why we come to church, right? Or is it just the fun services we have on Friday nights with our youth leader? Click here for directions and then come with us and find out for yourself here at Word of Truth. Please explore our site and learn more about us and our purpose. We hope to see you soon!

When you are going though a tough trial and you do not feel God, when you look to your left and too your right and you do not see God, when you feel so alone and cannot see your way, only look up and see that He is carrying you in His arms.


  Sunday Prayer 9:30 am
  Sunday Service 10:00 am
  Sunday Prayer 5:30 pm
  Sunday Service 6:00 pm
  Wednesday Prayer 6:30 pm
  Wednesday Service 7:00 pm
  Friday Service 7:00 pm
      (Not every Friday)

Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall be filled with the Holy Ghost.
                                            Acts 2:38

Pastor Ronald M. Baker
Phone (850) 674-4605
Email rbaker@gtcom.net