Baron Karza Force Commander

Micronauts Mailing List Home Page

Welcome to the Microtalk Mailing List Home Page. In this site you'll find information for the mailing list and the micros this list is created to discuss.

Microman is alive and well! Takara has relaunched the toy line, with all-new designs! For more information, check out Takara's official Microman site (Japanese site) or look at Rescue Base Seattle's Microman 99 coverage for translated English info! You've gotta see this stuff!

Meanwhile, Marty Abrams' new Micronauts line has yet to be seen anywhere. Maybe they've decided to not test the market by going against Star Wars again. Maybe they're redesigning the new toys to have some articulation and detail. Maybe they've decided there isn't enough money in it to make the project worthwhile for them. Any way you look at it, there are no new Micronauts.

Willy Jones and Ward Schultz are designing their own Micro-inspired toys! Under the name WWIII Creations, they're designing their own stuff to fill the void created by the lack of new Micronauts and by the Black Falcon debacle. Their first project's prototype, Dark Assassin, is completed and production will begin shortly. These limited-run toys will be top-quality and are a must-see for any true Micro-fan!

To subscribe to the Microtalk list, all you have to do is send an e-mail message to Microtalk with the word "subscribe" in the body. Simple enough?

Microtalk Pages

  • Microtalk FAQ: Bob Paluch (our humble list admin) runs you through the basics of what we're all about
  • Ebay and ICQ Information:: Check here to see if you're bidding against your fellow Microholics, and to find ICQ numbers for our members
  • Members: Check here to see stuff that our members have contributed to the Microtalk site -- scans, artwork, pics of their collections, fan-fiction, and more!
  • Microtalk Links Page: Look here to find links to the home pages of our members. If you're a member and your site isn't listed here let us know!
  • What the Hell...?: Stop in here and see what strange stuff has us stumped as to it's origin today.
  • Credits: check here to find who's responsible for all of this...

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List owned and run by Bob "Pharoid" Paluch
Site owned and run by Mike Richardson


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Baron Karza
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