Well, come 2 kat's Patronre Page wear U kan learn ab-out the House of Cats

Please don't try to not overstand that.

"I dance the dance of the fool
And pray you find me mad
For if you lay hands upon the root
You'll know me, without illusion
And find me guilty of the truth."

How ya doin? Even dough (even flow? No, even though) i am no longer an APDH i am stil the curater of thises homupeeji... sooo, thises ises stil the APDH Homupeeji, even dough the title line seis kat's Patronre Page. I am just just like that.

So, u hAv kUm 2 oVeRstAnd the CAT MENTALITY 4 Ur oWn sIk purposeseses? OK, i'l tel U of tHe sTRAng thINgs dAt oh-cur in all cat's brians... Well there are four things that all Cats have in common, House of Cat members that is. God, in Her infinite wisedom, has given us Cats the following:

...1: Cheese cake & cha-co-late
...2: The ablitytyty 2 take Kat NaPs anywear, anythyme, anyhow
...3: We R aLl lEthaRgiCalLy Endowdeded
...4: ThE Ablitytyty 2 MaKe zum o' doggies unt SocIaL liGhTS

Now U mEi asky wat R SocIaL liGhTS. i wil unask U dat: SocIaL liGhT is the naeme dat wee Cats call those ppl, U no, dose damn PrePs, PrEpPieS, SoCh, eVil PpL wHo wEaR dose NORMAL clothies!!! & DaY wHeRe doSe SuiTS... AHHHHH!!! i lOaThE dose PpL.

& nOw i wiLL sPiK on tHe unBrIgHteR sIde oF tHe House of Cats: uS eNLighTeNeD 1's, aKa tHe Transfered Cats. We R tHe 1's dAt kAn C tHe TRUTH of Everything, mOrE oR LeSS. ... .lEsS tHEn MoRE. ... .TeRRy MooRe. ... .chRiStoPhEr mOOrE. ... .AlIcE mOorE. ... .dUdDlY moORE. ... .bAd MooRe. ... .NeVeRmOORe.... ... .. . .. ... .... .....

This site is constantly UNDER CONSTRUTION!!!
Dames et all. Now et es tu layt. No it's not




rated NC-KT

(no one that is not of the cat or cnow the kat may not be unable too overstand that understated understatement of kat's stated statement, but you kan still try)


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