
This website is under construction.
Please come back frequently to view the updates.

HMMM-SAAA needs submissions
We are looking for articles, poems, artwork, and ideas for our new newsletter. Please send submissions to with HMMM-SAAA submission in the subject line, or submit them in the HMMM-SAAA section of the forum.

Dragon Boat Race Volunteers Needed
We must have at least 12 or at most 16 people on the boat, with an equal amount of guys and girls. If you would like to participate contact Kannone Vang at Deadline to sign up is June 25, 2006.

Event Spotlight

Dragon Boat Race
On July 15, 2006 at Phalen Lake, St. Paul MN, HMSA is going to take part in the dragon boat race during the 4th Annual Dragon Festival. Come out and support us!

>> See the Calendar for information on other events.



Volume 1, Issue 1:

Picking up Girls/Guys at Phalen Lake
Was this just a high school thing or are college students still preying on these innocent bystanders? We asked a few HMSA members what they know.

Looking back on HMSA 2005-2006.
This past year was full of many HMSA happenings. But was it a "successful" year?

Best Hmong Poem Contest Winners
We have the results of the best Hmong Poem Contest. And the winner is...

These stories and more in the HMMM-SAAA!

>> For previous HMMM-SAAA's click here.