You Are Anime Lover Number:

reetings! Welcome to my humble page of groovy anime guys who are rated not only by looks, but more importantly by personality. Exactly what the heck do I mean by groovy, anyways? Well, I'm talking about those male, anime characters that hold a special place in your heart. A few of these characters are the ones, sadly overshadowed and overlooked at times! Every character has his day and it is not yet time for these to be forgotten!

The rating goes like this: Each character has the chance to get up to 5 points based on how much they impressed me, how unique the character was, and his personality. So, how do know how much I rated them? Well, on the bottom of each character's page will be the amount I rated the character. So, the more points the merrier! But of course know that this is all in my judgement and opinion.

Now, why exactly did I create this page? Well, here is my testimony. In each character we find a piece of ourselves. As they learn who they are, so do we. Whether we notice it or not these so called "imaginary" characters shape and change us both in heart and soul. They are our mentors, reminding us of who we are and what we could be. These characters deserve much honor, from the lowest villian to the greatest hero. That is my reasoning for this page. "Imaginary" characters do you call them? Well, they breathe in you and me. ^_~

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