Kincaid's Jigoku Sensei Nube Page

[August 7, 2004 UPDATE NOTE- Well, it's been a long time, and I guess I haven't done a good job on keeping up this site. Thanks to everyone for your visits. I plan to get this page back into shape shortly. Unfortunately, the number of comprehensive Nube pages has decreased recently, so I'm going to go ahead and add character pages, etc. to this site. Also, now that I've seen the anime, I can add some of that as well. This will be an overall Nube site, not just a manga site anymore. Also, check out the link sections: is doing scanlations of the manga, so I will quit the summaries and possibly start helping out on that project. Stay tuned. And of course, I've cleaned up all the links.]

Welcome to my Nube page. Jigoku Sensei Nube is perhaps one of the most underrated characters in Japanese manga/anime. I guess in Japan it just didn't beat out the likes of Dragonball Z, and thus we never get to see it. However, I think it's high time this comic gets some press!

There are very few Nube pages out there, and even fewer that deal with the manga; the anime is easier to get a hold of, I guess. So that's what this page will focus on, though I will include as much anime stuff as I can (I have all the mangas, but no animes as of yet). This page is still under construction, as you can obviously see, and I'm still not sure of the direction I want to take with it. One of my main goals is to post synopses of all of the manga episodes, up to 229 now available in book form (JUMP comics, where it appears as a weekly serial, stays about 10-20 ahead of the books). I want to make them thorough, not just one or two sentence recaps; I want someone to be able to read the 229 synopses and be able to read #230 and not miss a beat. Of course, that will be time consuming, so it will be a while before I get them up. I will post as I go, though. For those just starting with Nube, I want to get you up to speed fast. For those of you already familiar with the anime, I want to show you what lies behind it. A lot of the time, the episodes are shortened or combined (from what I hear). Knowing all of the stories will give you a better appreciation of the show.

For now, I will not go into character info. There are the other sites already up have plenty of great information and bios; check out my links. They have some great background information. Once I really get the ball rolling and get my site up to where I want it, I will throw in my two cents about the characters ;)

The Nube Manga Pages

Click here

Check out these great Nube Pages: Nube Page - Currently working on a scanlation of the Nube manga. Now you can read them for yourself!

Nube Pages on Anime Turnpike - A list of other Nube sites

Where can you get the manga?

So far, the only place I have been able to get the manga is from the Kinokuniya bookstores. It is a Japanese company, but they have stores in the US. They sell for $4.70 a piece, a bit steeper than the 390 yen cover price (only about $2.90 or so), but it's imported, so what do you expect? If you don't live near one of their stores, they will ship it UPS ground. Check out their page for more info. There are 31 books in the now ended series..

Drop me a line:

I'm open to any feed back you have. Let me know what you want to see here, or any suggestions you have on how to get this page going. I'm at

About the Author (Updated 8/7/2004):

Actually, my name is Dave, but there was already a "Dave's Jigoku Sensei Nube" page, so I went with my gaming handle. I've just graduated with a degree in  Molecular Biology from Brigham Young University. I worked for a couple of years doing tech support, and now I am working on my PhD in biochemistry at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. I was married earlier this year to my beautiful wife Megumi.

I spent a couple of years in Japan as a missionary, and came into contact with Nube there while helping out at an orphanage. The kids were all watching the anime (yes, I will concede; I did see the anime first). It looked interesting; I love ghost-busting and comedy, so when you put them together, you get a great show in my eyes! I collected the manga books from various used book stores, and upon my return home to the US, started to go through them. They were even better than I thought they would be. Now, I'm hooked, and hoping to spread my addiction.
