The Waystation

Konnichiwa, Minna-san! Welcome to The Waystation!

Greetings, I'm your hostess, Alyson. As you can see, this page is under major construction,
so tread carefully. Basically what the Waystation is is a place where anime characters
can come to hang out, relax, or just chill. So far the current residents are,
Xeros from Slayers, Ranma and Ryouga from Ranma 1/2, Inu Yasha from manga of same name,
Amelia from Slayers, Lantis and Ferrio from Magic Knight Rayearth, and Van Fanel from Escaflowne.
As you can see, there are more guys than girls, but girls are more than
welcome, though there's at least one guy who comes here to hide.

Ranma: Who's hiding?

Xeros: You. *grin*

Guys, chill out. The Waystation is located, conveniantly, in my closet, which is a lot
bigger than what it looks like on the outside. Which is a good thing, because
I'm a college sophmore, and I can't go about, explaining why I have a bunch
of Anime characters living in my room. So, take a look around, and enjoy your stay!

News 6/13: Hello! Just added a new fic called The Child. Next on the list is IY's room. *sigh*

This beautiful little twilight unicorn's name is Moonshaft.
She helps to keep this place calm at night, and during the day she hangs out in The Nursery.

Xeros: You mean The Ampatheater.

Alyson: Yeah, that too. If you want to know where I adopted her from, just follow the link below.
Is it just me, or does this index page get longer and longer?

Xeros: It gets longer.

Alyson: Thought so. I need to add a NEWS section......

Xeros: Why?

Alyson: So people will know when and what I've updated.

Xeros: Oh, duh!

Alyson: Duh indeed. Anyway, be sure to also visit The Cavern.

Here you will find the doors to the resident's rooms.

A typical day at the Waystation
where Ranma and Ryouga are once again the butts of
one of Xeros-chan's little jokes. *sigh*