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Welcome to Dragon Ball Z a-z. This site is a compilation of Dragon Ball/Z/GT media and information from the internet. There are 500+ animated gifs, hundreds of sounds and pictures, all for you guys. If you have something to contribute, or have something to say, feel free to e-mail me at gabefrompreston@hotmail.com. Your help is what makes DBZ a-z. what it is.
Sunday - 02.25.01
well...it sure has been a long time since ive logged on to work on this site. (for the most part i havent even been able to sign in to work on it, then i just gave up hope.) im back now though, almost a year since the last update. i dont really watch dbz anymore haha, but ive gotten decent at web design, and therefore i will try to make this site nice then abandon it. ive gotten so many hits over the last eight months i cant just forget about you guys, so ill add stuff (bios, pictures, sounds, gifs, power levels, etc) whatever i can, then change the layout too. afterwards, who knows maybe ill show some sort of interest in dbz once again, but as far as things are looking right now, this is just a faze. and to think, im still only 17. haha. anyways, have fun here, and please send me anything you think should go up here. ill be searching for material on my own, but feel free to send me anything. if you send a picture or gif, make sure you send it as an attatched file, and not just pasted on the email because i have a hotmail account that doesnt function like aol. thanks and stop by soon for more stuff!! -gabe
Saturday - 06.24.00
I have been and will be working on the site for some of the day. I know there are still a lot of things wrong, but all I have changed is the layout remember? Well I will fixing the pictures section as well as adding pics and pages to it. E-mail me with suggestions and if you want to get money and help out the site, please join AllAdvantage.
Friday - 06.23.00
Money Bags... DBZ a-z has finally become sponsered by AllAdvantage. It's not just for me though, anyone can use it to make a little extra cash. AllAdvantage puts a small add at the bottom of your web browser and you get paid for every minute you're online. Its easy to get, and you can make money with it too. Just fill out the form here. Try it for a while and see how you like it. Its especially useful if you spend a lot of time online!;)
Thursday - 06.22.00
Uneventful Day Well today wasnt very exciting. I may become sponsered in the near future however, but before that I want to get some feedback on the new layout and material here at DBZ a-z. You know, what you like about it and what I should change. If you guys have comments, send them to me via e-mail.
I am constantly working on the layout too, so if you have a request, send it in and Ill do my best to put it up.
Wednesday - 06.21.00
Where Am I Now? Jeez Louise, I have been working pretty hard to make this site better the last few days, and I hope I have. I still need pictures and movies, but no one is helping me out. If you have anything you want to send, send it to me here. So far I have made the layout and put it on most of the pagesand Im going to start working on new pages tomorrow. Please tell me what you think of the new layout here.
What A Party... Now that the Burger King promo is done, and the Trunks saga videos are supposed to be out in stores, what happens now? All I can tell you is Cartoon Network will air the Trunks saga in the Fall of this year. If anyone has special news e-mail me at any time here.
60 More Reasons To Watch TV...
Cartoon Network has finally noticed that Toonami is one of the most watched segments throughout the day and has made plans to extend it another hour. This will begin July 3rd and will make room for two new series coming to Toonami this summer. If you want to see the schedule, visit planet namek.