This is The Power of Céline Dion

15/07/00 A new My Award winner!

I have four copies of this Life issue. Would you like it? Just e-mail me before 15 August 2000. I will send one copy to the four who will answer correctly to all the questions in the "Once upon a time .." (Il était une fois../C'era una volta..) section before all the others. Please send me your answers before 15 August 2000. I will display the correct answers and the name of the winners on -more or less- 10 September 2000.

The CELINE excellent website Award 5
Thanks to Tasha for giving me her highest award on July 27th, 1999

Powerful Celine Site Award
Thanks so much to Natalie for her award on August 11th, 1999

Vole Céline Gold
Thanks so much to Chandra for giving me her gold Award on August 16th, 1999

Celebrity Link
Thanks to Celebrity link for their award on November 1999
Thanks to Women Celebrities for giving me their award on Janury 8th, 2000

Thanks Julie for your award on February 26th, 2000. Love your site!

Thanks to Laura for her award on April 10th, 2000!




Established 1 December 1998 by Alessandro Currenti

©All rights reserved-Tutti i diritti riservati-Tous droits réservés

Last updated/Ultimo aggiornamento/Dernière mise à jour: 15 July 2000, 11:30 P.M. Center Europe Time

Visitors since 1 May 1999

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