KINKI KIDS: 堂 本 光 一 ・ 堂 本 剛

私 た ち の 王 子 様 達

光ちゃん、 愛してますよ!


Royal Reception: Basic Data On Our Princes

National Celebration: Join in the party and sing with our Princes(Suki ni natte ku, aishite ku / Kinki no yaruki manman Song Uploaded)
(This section is reopened to celebrate the Asian concert tour of Kinki Kids. Please have a heart and don't copy it to your HP or other public media.)

Royal Speeches: Our Princes speak out (Updated 2nd December, 2000)

Royal Parties:Concert reports (Uploaded 5th September, 99)
Uploaded all Osaka concert reports.

Chambermaid: Info on webmaster (日本語ヴァージョンも アップ!)

National Visa Application: Sign my guestbook

National Visa Entries: View my guestbook

National Parliament: Talk about Kinki Kids (message board) NEW!!!
キンキについて 話しましょう! キンキの二人への メッセージ・ボードも ありますよ。

光一王子様へ の プライベート・メッセージ / 光ちゃんを愛さずに いられません( 更新:01/7/20)

剛王子様へ の プライベート・メッセージ ・#060;(更新 : 99/4/2)

The Cabinet: Join The Mailing List Set Up For Fans of Kinki Kids Around The World


Reproduction of any materials from this website without the prior approval of the webmaster in any other media such as websites and magazines is strictly prohibited.

Recently, the webmaster has noticed a number of sites had copied the lyrics from this HP without approval from the webmaster. This is unfair. If the situation gets any worse, the webmaster will close down this HP except for this index page where the name of the copycatting HP will be posted up here for all to see. The ML will also have to be closed down in which case. So if you like the information contained in this HP, DON'T COPY IT OR YOU MAY NEVER SEE IT AGAIN!!!

This is an unofficial home page set up by a fan of KinKi Kids and does not have anthying to do with Johnny's Family Club or Johnny's Entertainment. To protect the interest of Kou chan, Tsuyo chan and their management house, please refrain from posting the followings to this home page's guestbook:

1. Photos of talents managed by Johnny's.

2. Any messages that might violate the policies of Johnny's including concert ticket sales/request messages at a price higher than the official price, discussion of pirate products using the images of Johnny's talents,etc.


since 15th Oct, 1998

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