Welcome to
Tsukino Serian's
Home page

This pic was drawn by me! :P

The Updates section?

(Might as well be... Seeing as I am always changing the site, and writing something new here. :D)

Welcome to the homepage of Tsukino Serian. After a long Delay, I am continuously modifying my page. I am going to spice it up lots. Enjoy. :D

Don't mind the mess, I made it this way!

10/09/01 WOOT!  I added a nifty background, Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion on the Moon Kingdom ^_^  It looked Pretty! :P

                                           Tsukino Serian.

The Origin of Tsukino Serian
       For those of you who don't know me, my real name shall remain a secret, MUAHAHAHAHA. My hobbies include drawing, writing, reading, Television, Animation, and chatting with my friends over the internet, mostly on IRC.  I am also a fan of Animé (Japanese Animation) and enjoy drawing my own or existing Animé. I am also a fairly decent armature writer.  I have a few fan-fictions here now.

These titles include My SailorMoon G: Guardians fan-fiction, My Macross: Black Knights story, and The Microsoft Story.


Who does he know?

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