Malachite's Dungeon

Malachite's Dungeon

Welcome to Malachite's Dungeon. This is where all of the additional pictures of Malachite and Zoycite can be found. If you don't know who Malachite and Zoycite are...then maybe you should go back to this page...

However, if you know who they are and you came here to get more juicy pictures of them then try following the pictures...

Malachite pictures

Mal & Zoy picures

NEW! My cel page. This is where I'm hiding all the cels I have bought recently from Sailor Moon to Marmalade Boy and many others. Check it out...

Dark Amber's Cel Gallery

Links to other sites on the web

Demonwolf's Negaverse A very nice page to the four generals. Great Fan art.

Sailer Moon Cybercity A great general Sailor moon site

Jaime's Dark Kingdom Shrine The best dark Kingdom shire out there

questions, comments, want to tell me how you now decided Malachite is your favorite general? Send me a note.

© 1997

You are theCounterperson to come and see Malachite's collection of pictures in his dungeon.

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