Welcome to The Koketsu . . .

A Dangerous Place

btw...Go To Hiryuu Hon'yaku now all you mad insane peoples!...after you browse my site, of course...If you're not insane, this message does not exist...(Now called Instant Insanity, but who cares. Go there anyway. The Power of Cheese Compells You)

Welcome to my home...the Koketsu Dojo...please accept my hospitality, even if only for a short while...

What's new A listing of the stuff I've added, taken away, whatever...you know, a "What's New" page...;)...It has coming attractions, too, when I don't have time to do things that day...

[music section]

Anime Anime, or "Japanimation"...an art form that has been sweeping the country for far longer than some would like to admit...Or perhaps simply cartoons for people who put the smurfs right up there with taxes and root canals...I just added a seires overview for the cyberpunk classic, Bubblegum Crisis, check it out! NEW! I have also added an overview for the excellent fantasy/RPG anime, Record of Lodoss War.

Game Links Games, games, games...from RPGs to, well, RPGs...Games where using your brain is more important than how fast you can tap the buttons on the keypad tho I do have some of that stuff too...[console games, mostly]...NEW! Final Fantasy VIII/RPGamer.

Lunar Ah...Lunar...one of the greatest RPGs of all time...First, on the Sega CD...and now on the Playstation...But, due to bruised egos and perhaps some good old-fashioned corporate greed, at a certain American corporation, it is in danger of perhaps never coming here to the U.S. after the remix of part one...Click on, brave adventurer...

Other Links Just what it sounds like...other stuff that doesn't fit neatly into the other categories...*NEW*: Added some Morrigan and Dracula X pix

Music Players and Other Goodies Players that will allow you to to listen to the music on this site [whenever I get around to putting some on ^_^], as well as the music on other sites...even a utility which lets you translate Lunar2 PCM files into WAVs [soon to come]...NEW! I added some Final Fantasy VII, FF VIII, and Bubblegum Crisis pix...this is now my official "Downloads" area

Credits Credit where credit is due...and legal stuff

Lil' ol' me A page devoted to my favorite subject...;)


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This Page last updated 6 June, 2003 (D-Day)

Site last updated 6 June, 2003 (D-Day)

You are visitor number  since the last time this blasted thing screwed up >_<

Well? What do you think? Email me at this here address...If you can't figure out what part of the address to remove, I really would rather not hear from you anyway....
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