SD Fairy
The SuperDeformed Galleries...

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· The Superdeformed Universe ·
Hi! Welcome to the superdeformed Universe...this is beyond kawaii, it's superdeformed, all you can handle, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

What the heck is 'superdeformed' anyway?

If you are here regarding Matthew Sweet, then *sigh* go here. BUT . . . for those of you who don't know what superdeformed is and want to find out more, you've come to the right place! Ditto if you do know, and want images and stuff. "Superdeformed" is simply a style of anime (japanese animation)...I'm sure you'll catch on after seeing a few of these pics!

Okay, Anyone who STILL doesn't get the picture? I don't see any hands, but hmmm...I think we need to see some more superdeformed pics:

Now, I'm sure we all understand what superdeformed is. But why exactly IS superdeformed? Well, just look at them...they are so incredibly kawaii (cute) and comical! Superdeformed characters are especially common in anime series such as Magic Knight Rayearth, Fushigi Yuugi, and Dragon Half. The characters suddenly change to SD, for a sense of silliness and humour.

Although some of my images are actaully just the characters drawn as kids, there isn't much difference between that and superdeformed.

For example:
SD Rocker Girl! Kiddie OMG Characters
This is really Superdeformed And this is just some of the Oh! My Goddess cast as children.

The main difference is proportion...the characters in the pic on the right look like they actually could be human. The one on the left could be...If she lived next to a toxic waste dump all her life!!! Oh, and check out her feet...wait, silly me, she doesn't have any.

So now you've had the primer. I think you're ready for the galleries. Warning - seriously cute content ahead!

[Sailor Moon|Ranma 1/2|Assorted|Ass't Groups|Animated]

This page is a HUUUUUGE archive of SD pics. Yowsa.