The Unoffical AKIRA Web Page

Page by: Chris A. and Dave C.

Some pictures contributed by Hallie. Thanks alot, Your Wicked!! !

Story By: Katsuhiro Otomo
From what I have found out , that there is a akira game for PS2 coming soon, but get this..... ITS PINBALL, what the hell?, they have a great story to work with and all they can do is pinball...oh well, what can ya do.
I am currently looking for comic #'s 25, 31, and 33. If any of yous people out there in this world and want to sell them to me cheap please email me. -chris
click here for Blue Panda AKIRA remix
Here is the picture of Kaneda drawn by Pat Lee artist for Neon Cyber & Darkminds (He drew it for me at a convention because we were talking about his Otomo influences)
Tokyo, as we know it was destroyed by a burst of power from a unknown origin. Nine hours after, World War III breaks out and most of the major cities in the world were completely leveled. Thirty-one years later, Neo-Tokyo now stands, were the original once stood. One night, Kaneda and his motorcycle gang were chaseing their rivals and a rookie(Tetsuo) has an accident with a little boy with the face of an old man. The boy then mysteriously remains unhurt and then simply vanishes from their veiws. Tetsuo is brought to Hospital, and everything seems to be back to normal, But that is not at all the case: The strange boy from the last night was a part of a secret military project dealing with supernatural powers. The project is lead by the Colonel, who wants to develop human weapons with aid of these powers. On the trail of these "human weapons" are Ryu and Kay members of local revolutionests, And now Tetsuo is going to be a new member of the project. But his powers become more powerful much faster than the Colonel has expected. Tetsuo manages to find out the location of an underground freeze chamber, where the mysterium AKIRA is kept. Akira, too was a member of the project. But why did they put him in the freeze chamber at 0,0005 Kelvin ? They were afraid of something. Something they couldn't control anymore. Something Tetsuo is going to set free really soon . . .

This movie has got to be thee best anime, NO wait thee best movie out there ever. It has everything from action to things to make you think (ie: when Kaneda and Kay are in prison and she is talking about the whole evolution deal). This is my(Chris') favorite movie and Manga, I have finally have all versions of AKIRA..except the original Japanese but I have the special edition. I also have the production report movie about the making of akira, and I'm telling you it is bloody amazing. Check out the movie 'o' meter below to see what I gave it.

Candy Flower Napalm was realeased with akira #38. It is the story about Myoko, and how she got her Psyhcic powers. My good friend Hallie was kind enough to scan them for us all.
1st Page.
2nd Page.
3rd Page.
4th Page.
5th Page.
6th Page.
7th Page.
8th Page.
9th Page.

A detailed picture of Tetsuo's arm.
Fathers lock up your daughters, A naked Tetsuo.
The Kaneda 12" figure.
A beautiful drawing of Tetsuo in his throne.
A super-deformed picture of the Tetsuo that I(Chris) Drew.
A super-deformed picture of the Colonel that I(Chris) Drew.
The Akira book sleeve, large file but amazing.
Another cool Tribute picture.
A picture of Kaneda and Tetsuo, By Joe Madureira.
The cover from the original Akira Manga.
A page from the akira art book.
A picture of Kay, BY John Romita
A Pratt illustration of seer from the manga
Another cool illustration by Otomo
Moebius drawing of Tetsuo
Kaneda in the wreckage
Cool picture of Akira in the Olympic throne
Mike Allred's version of Tetsuo
Darkminds artist Pat Lee's drawing of Kaneda
The classic picture of Kaneda on his bike !
A small cool picture of our hero Tetsuo
Here is a picture from the comic that I colored
Kaneda and Kai chillin'(an amazing picture)
Heres a picture of AKIRA in his amazing chair
Movie poster 1
Movie poster 2
Movie poster 3
Whack ass picture of Kay and Kaneda
Cool drawing of Tetsuo
Another cool drawing Tetsuo
An amazing picture of Kaneda and his bike
Tetsuo and some riped off handle bars, from art club book
B&W picture of Kaneda and gun
Production drawing (small)
Another production drawing (small)
Kanedas bike from the anime made into real life (AMAZING)
A picture of Tetsuo in the hospital
A character sketch of Kanada
A character sketch of Tetsuo
A character sketch of Tetsuo's head with his biking goggles
Kay and Tetsuo fighting
back view of Takashi when Tetsuo is about to run into him
Kaneda is pissed off
During the chase sceen at the begining
A collage
Another collage
Kaneda on his bike (small)
A cool picture of Tetsuo and his metal arm!
Classic sound
Tetsuo being a friend
Yamma expressing himself
Kaneda shows his friendship
Tetsuo is happy
Yamma talking to the coach
The coach's responce
Tetsuo is confused
Tetsuo talking about beating a Clown
Kai looking for Kenada
Kaneda after chasing the Clowns
Kaneda talking to Kay
Masaru at the end of the movie
Kai talking to Kaneda about the whereabouts of Tetsuo
Tetsuo calling Kaori
Tetsuo talking about the whole thing
This site has the whole soundtrack avalable for download.
You need this program to fix the mp3's for some reason.

The Official Akira Page
Monica Andersson's Gallery!

This page is still under construction so be chill and the best is still to come
This is an unoffical Akira web page, we mean no harm. Thanx CHRIS A.A., And DAVE M.C.

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is sponsored by Otaku World

This site is owned by Chris A & Dave C

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