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Frequently-updated pages.
- Make a Little Light Bulb in
Your Soul
- Home of Trigun
Maximum manga translations, translated
interviews, reports from Japan, and much more. My
most-often updated page.
- Anime
Birthday Calendar
- Which character
shares your birthday?
- Anime English Collection
- The weird, wild world
of shitajiki Japanglish.
I'm Sumire, a longtime anime fan, and this is a guide to
the many websites I've made over the years. Not all of
them are created equal--some are just trivial little
scan-galleries that haven't been updated in years, while
others are the result of long hours of research and
translation work. Some multiply (Trigun! Trigun!
Trigun!), others merge, others die, but this is what they
are right now. Enjoy!
P.S. If you're interested in buying
manga, doujinshi, and stuff, check out the latest
incarnation of Sumire-ya Anime and Manga Shop.
Comments, criticism,
love letters? E-mail me at sumirechan@yahoo.com
Sumire has had guests since
January 30, 1998.
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Home Page
No Longer Updated
- The Hastily-Assembled
Nicholas D. Wolfwood Shrine
- A Nicholas D.
Wolfwood Shrine, hastily assembled when I first
got into Trigun.
- Sumire's Little Zechs
Merquise & Lucrezia Noin Shrine
- Gundam Wing.
- Sumire's Semi-Obscure Gundam
Wing Cel Art Gallery
- Rare magazine
- The
Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai Guide
- Shoujo manga by Ai
- Gokinjo Monogatari
- Shoujo manga by Ai