P-R-P-Chan's Pathetic Little Place

well this is my pathetic excuse for a webpage
First On-Line:7-26-97 Last Update:12-10-97

well I finally decided to make a page, seems I've actually got some get up and go these days after all I finally finished a fic.. even if it is just a short prelude.. the rest is written out just have to type it out, which is pretty good since I'd been working on it 6 months with all but one of the pages written during a four hour spurt. well what little this page is, it couldn't be possible without the help of my friend Magnetic M who sat here and showed me everything i know which isn't much but it is pretty good for what amounts to a two hour tutorial.
anyways, in a few weeks I should be able to get the anime animal race track up, at least I should depends how much time I put into it.. other stuff that can be expected are other parts of my fic as they are posted I should be guilt-tripped in to doing that sometime this week. you may have noticed i didn't attach my e-mail here, well there's two reasons for that. one, I don't have a private mail box at this moment, and two, i don't know how to link it :). I assure you that as soon as I get my email account i will find out how to link it.. until then if u want to comment about the page or just want to talk about fics I can be found on DALnet in channels #anime, #anime_101, and #anime_supreme at most times.
Go To The Tracks
give me a month to get this done

make that a year...

P-R-P-Chan's FanFiction

Of Honor Won And Time Lost
Of Honor Won And Time Lost - Prelude
Of Honor Won and Time Lost - Part 1
Of Honor Won and Time Lost - Part 2
Of Honor Won and Time Lost - Part 3
Of Honor Won and Time Lost - Part 4
Diablerie:Nerima co-authored with Ben Kalman
Diablerie:Nerima - Prelude
Diablerie:Nerima - chapter 1
Diablerie:Nerima - chapter 2
Diablerie:Nerima - chapter 3
Diablerie:Nerima - chapter 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Also Visit My Ideas Page


FanFic Links
The Ranma ½ FanFic Library - archive that will hopefully contain a good part of the fanfics out there
Official Homepage of Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong - one of my fav fic authors check out The Least One Can Do
Ranma½ Careful Destiny - another great fic.
Zen's Fanfiction Page - among the greatest fic authors in existence
Bailesu's Fiction Page - obligatory fic link, the man's a god.
Lines of Destiny Homepage - great Ranma/SM X-over

Friends Links

Tenchi's Haven - Friend from DALnet as well as a fellow fic author.
ZodiacX's #Anime_Supreme Homepage - info bout the DALnet channel from the founder himself
Omnedon's Fanfic Page - Author of one of the better Lemons, and other great incomplete stories :)

Email P-R-P-Chan

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