Tsuruma Times is on the air! The purpose of our site is to display Japan to you (the weary Web surfer) as we (average domain dwellers) see it. Living in a foreign land has it's ups and downs and we want to present all of that (and more) to you. We look forward to your suggestions on ways to improve this site and enhance your Web surfing experience. Remember, we are driven to show the world the beauty of the Kanto Plain.
From the temples to the beaches, there is more to Japan than just Mt. Fuji and geisha girls. This is a labor of love, not a vanity site. All photographs on this site were taken by the author. Feel free to copy any you like, but please give credit where credit is due.
Please enjoy your stay and don't hesitate to send us your comments regarding our site! A short email is just fine, or you can simply complete our new site survey. Both methods are quick and easy, so please take a moment and give us some feedback so that we may continue to improve our site!