
This is mostly preliminary, and hell, there's nothing there yet, but I'll be presenting a site of resources for slashers who play the Sims 2 game by Maxis right here.


Trust Harry Potter to bring me back to HTML coding. A 'sample' of HP slash available, and I was suddenly obsessed once more. This site is pretty barebones (with almost no idea what to do with it, I'll admit) BUT.

I found a free program that would generate crossword puzzles for any word list you put together. Hehehe. How could I resist? Without further ado, I present Harry Potter and the Fandom Crosswords. There's only one up for now, but beware...


If you came here expecting to see the anime website Mre-Mre Land, it's been moved to http://www.geocities.com/mre-mre/anime/. Please change your bookmarks. I'm probably not going to delete the anime site (it took a BLOODY long time to code), but I will be using my webspace for other fannish concerns. Sorry to anyone who got used to the convenience. (I can't believe it's lasted over 5 years! I was contemplating simply deleting it, but I figured someone might actually want a nice, nostalgic read of the dinosaurs of anime.)

Anyhoo, same story as before--no updates, no planned updates, no suggestions. This is merely a ghost of a website, with content provided by dozens of contributors that I'd hate to see disappear.

As for the new directions this webspace is taking, that will follow.