Welcome to my Pokemon Site!
This site features my Pokemon collection.
Come in and browse to your heart's delight!
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Site established January 10, 1999
Updated February 27, 2000
Unable to display image A Pokemon Trainer's Diary - Silver & Gold! (including Screenshots)
 Click Here and follow his daily adventures!
Unable to display imagePikachu's On Candid Camera! Click HERE
I've been overwhelmed with all the Pokemon items now available
in the USA!  (too many Pokemon, not enough time to scan them all)
Please check back again (monthly) to see what new things I've had time to add!
These are our first Pikachu stuffed animals.  The one on the left is "Pikachu" and the one on the right is "Pika-Pika".  As you can see, every morning they wake up to watch POKEMON!  Pikachu is quite fat because he doesn't like to battle. He is content to lounge around the house all day long.  Pika-Pika, his little sister, is lively and thinks that she is smarter than her big brother. For the most part, they get along quite well.  Sometimes they act up though, and get put in the corner if they have been extremely bad.  My kids wish they were real.  They would be the perfect pets!  As you know, Pikachu are very clean, taking showers or baths every night, and they also brush their teeth after every meal.  With such good habits like that, I am sure they also know how to use the bathroom facilities.

This time Pikachu and Pika-Pika are joined by the youngest member, "ChibiPika".  ChibiPika is actually a Keychain, so he doesn't get the attention from the kids like Pika-Pika and Pikachu do. ChibiPika DID get to be an ornament on our Christmas tree, though.   All of the Pikachu shown on this page are imported from Japan.  Check out the new photos! ~ We now have a lot more Pikachu in our home! Click HERE for Candid Camera Shots. (Uh oh, we've added even more Pikachu since the camera was last out! We hope to get some shots of them also!)

Take a look at my other Pokemon items!
                From the United States:

            Nintendo games and related stuff...

                                                                   Videos & Comics

                                                                   Promotional Items
                                                                   Card Game
                                                                   Topps Trading Cards

                                                                   Pokemon Books to Read

                                                                   Theme Song & PokeRap

                                                                   Episode Listing


Visit my other site:  Jayne's Favorite Anime

 Say Hi! to Jayne at soohooberg@compuserve.com

**Title page image taken from "Pokemon Power" vol. 6/Jan. 1999 (insert from Nintendo Power Magazine).
Pokemon, Pikachu, and other character names are trademarks of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creature.


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