MIDNIGHT RAMBLER' S Web Page term limitation plan
Is concert possible, without face seeing?
It's a grand experiment to challenge which Kitagi living in Osaka and Mr. Kei living in Hokkaidou without having met also at once.
Basic truck of the blues was driven in by MIDI, and it was turned by mail, and it put the solo.
Moreover, raw sound of a guitar is saved in the RealAudio form with basic truck, and this is also turned by mail and it has put it the solo.
We have exhibited the files exchanged until now, below.
Please hear it at once. and, if even a few is regarded as interesting, join a session!
A way is free. It is O.K. when playing your idea liking.
The participation manifestation to a session is please come to MIDNIGHT RAMBLER BBS.
Now, Mr.kusu living in Tokyo has joined this experiment. Please hear the table from an experiment No.4.(Nov.28,1998).
This is a session from Sapporo, Tokyo and Osaka city.
(Oct.10, 1998)The RealAudio® file uploaded . I's played by Shime unknown living where, Kitagi living in Osaka, and Kei living in Sapporo.
Please hear the table from an experiment No.3.
(Sep.13, 1998)Now, since MIDI file was sent from Mr. Kerry of Oregon state U.S. living lately, it uploaded .
Please hear the table from an experiment No.2.
RealAudio file which put raw sound of a guitar below Basic Truck No.1.
The thing which put raw sound of a guitar on Basic Truck No.1.
The acaustick guitar is Kitagi's playing, and the electric guitar is Kei's playing with heavy drink.
MIDI file which put the solo on Basic Truck No.2. (10kB)
The thing which put the truck on Basic Truck No.2.
1st circulation is Kei's, 2nd is Kitagi's, and 3rd is Kerry's playing.
The second half 24 Section will also change the pattern of the base and a drum delicately!
RealAudio file which put raw sound of a kazu, piano, and guitar below Basic Truck No.2.
The thing which put raw sound of a kazu, piano, and guitar on Basic Truck No.2.
The kazu and piano are Shime's playing, electric guitar is Kitagi's playing, and the acaustick guitar is Kei's playing with heavy drink (Hi).
MIDI file which put the solo on Basic Truck No.1. (10kB)
The thing which put the truck on Basic Truck No.1.
1st circulation is Kei's, 2nd is Kitagi's, 3rd is kusu's playing.
There are empty circulations on last 12 section. We are realy looking forward to seeing you!
MIDI file of the slow blues. (4kB)
The base and the drum of the slow blues which repeat a chapter 12 paragraph 4 times. A key is G.
The intro of a piano has been attached since it is hard to understand beginning.
MIDI file of the blues little fast. (6kB)
The base and the drum of the blues which repeat a chapter 12 paragraph 4 times. A key is G.