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You are visitor since december 2 1997

The Doctor's Profile
Want to know about me? Off course not!
Nevertheless in this section you can check
out my personal stats, and a little background

Manga and Anime reviews
From one otaku to another. Find out which
movie to see or what comic to read, in depth
look at characters, story line, and artwork.

The waiting room: art gallery
Being an art student I have some sketches,
drawings and cgi works that I 'd like to show.

The Doctor
Why I support the STOP Campaign
A lot of people ask me why I support
the Stop The Online Plagiarism campaign.
Here is the answer and my personal view
on the subject. If you are not familiar with
the subject, just click here.

"The Doctor Says"
When it opens, it will contain articles with
my point of view on many topics. You can
read them, disagree with them and send me
flaming e-mails! It's a win-win situation!

S.T.A.R section
peacial Thanks, Aknowledgements and the

Last update May 29 1998


Guest Book by



Colombiano hasta morir! Click here to visit STOP headquarters Serpa presidente? MAMOLA! To geocities
e-mail the Doc     Page copyrighted by Doctor JED 1997, 1998

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