Bus D, what could I say about this bus? -other than the obvious. First of all, we ruled and proved it by winning the singing contest and getting third place for the talent show. Secondly, we had the most interesting people on our bus, including the best three counsellors. Thirdly, we feasted everyday on yummy Taiwanese junk food and made every other bus jealous, especially busses C and E who were parked beside us and could only look through their window and wish they had signed up with us. I could go on forever about how much fun we had but what's the point. Everyone on Bus D knows how good we had it. I remember sleeping on the floor of the bus because there was no other place to stretch out. I remember sitting up front with Maggie and Maria and Jane and having fun conversations. I remember playing cards in the back with LE MASTER Mona and Dominique, Tiam, Cristelle, Pierre. I also met many new people on Bus D and these people became my friends. John, Jack, Anne, Lawson, Peter, I didn't know you before the trip down south. I think I'm not wrong in saying that I will never be able to forget my experience in Taiwan, not that I'd want to.
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