Welcome to the "Record of Lodoss War" Archive


Design Information
Updated 2004

This website is designed to be viewable at a resolution of 800x600 or higher.  It was designed with a combination of Microsoft FrontPage, Netscape Composer, and my own HTML code, running at a resolution of 1152x864. The site is hosted by geocities, a free web provider. Because they limit me to 15MB of space, I am limited in my ability to give you the highest quality images and information. If you have layout problems please refer them to me and I will address them if possible.

Legal Disclaimer

Record of Lodoss War was released for distribution in the United States by Central Park Media under the Registered Trademark of U.S. Manga Corps. All images are copyrighted by Central Media, and are not intended for commercial use. The purpose of this website is to provide information regarding the series "Record of Lodoss War", and encourage other internet users to purchase this product. This site is not officially authorized. If the reader of this statement owns or represents the owner of any copyrighted material, and would like me to dismantle this site, please E-mail me your objections, and I will be happy to oblige. If you would like to purchase "Record of Lodoss War" on DVD, please follow this link to Amazon.com.


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