Sailor Warriors RPG Homepage, Home of the Sailor Knights

Welcome to the Original Storyline spinoff from the Sailor Moon saga. Here is where you may find information about the changes made to storyline adding extra destinies for both genders. You will find the stats and backgrounds for each member of the Knights sworn to defend and protect the Senshi that they represent and the other Senshi that may require assistance.

The following pages contain the available information about the Sailor Knights.

The Sailor Knights'Mission
The Sailor Knights'origin
The Sailor Knights'roster
The Sailor Knights'identies

The Sailor Knight's also have a continuing story. If you are interested in reading about the adventures of the Sailor Knights, stories of their meetings and their adventures can be found here on mIRC.


There will be a continueing saga of the adventures of the Sailor Knights. Look to this page for updates.

If you want to join in and become a part of the new storyline involving the Sailor Knights please download mIRC and log on to the server:
/server and join #SailorWarriorsRPG

If you would like to contact any of the `Knights we can be reached at

This page last updated on 1/17/02

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