all old... STUPID ZONE

August 5, 2000

Uploaded my new homepage in FLASH, really cool~ Why did I make this after years without touching it? It's because I realized my original homepage really sucks when I had to give its address to my boss when I was interviewed... At least now I can actually be proud of what I did... I recommend never go into the STUPID ZONE again unless I say it's updated, because it really sucks (honestly)~ Have fun in my new page ^____^

March 2, 2002

Today I visited my own homepage, which I did not for a long long time. And what did I find out? Some hackers (I think) changed the links to my pages to porn sites!! Wow...I really want to know how it was done~ It's so amazing, especially that I'm studying in Computer Science right now. I think it's so cool to know how to hack people. Please contact me if it was you who hacked, I really want to know how you did it!

平時睇開我既HOMEPAGE D人都知我係多數用中文打字,咁你地係咪想問點解新網頁全部都係'雞腸'? 因為我想大眾化,同埋好鬼死難打架,so我唔再打啦~