Welcome to WWW site of GEO !! Entrance This site is in Japanese only. Area Studies Organization GEO consists of young professionals, academics and students. We are a non profit organization based in Tokyo, Japan. ★ An Introduction to Area Studies Organization GEO ★ GEO is not an international exchange organization. Nor is it research institute. Nor is it a venue for business people to swap ideas. Well then, what is GEO's aim? We would like to elaborate on the concept of "area studies", which underlies the organization's purpose. In area studies, the world is not neatly divided into countries with defined national borders. Instead, area studies examines geographical spaces - including sub-regions within countries or entire continents - depending on the particular issue being studied. For example, consideration of the area spanning from southern Philippines to Malaysia and Indonesia would be necessary if one were to study the impact of Islam on Southeast Asian peoples. GEO strives to promote awareness of the multitude of areas in the world through innovative projects. There is a shortage of discussion and cooperation between academics and business people concerning international issues. More discussion and cooperation would greatly improve the potential applications of area studies and other academic fields to practical issues. That is why we established GEO. We wanted to create a forum where people from different backgrounds could meet and share their opinions about an array of international issues. In its first three years, GEO has succeeded in attracting a diverse membership. Journalists, university students, and employees of trading companies, banks, manufacturers, NGO's, and research institutes are among GEO's members, most of whom are in their 20's and 30's. Monthly colloquiums, and parties and discussions, have been GEO's core activities. In the upcoming months, new, additional activities will be launched as GEO members tackle the challenge of making sense of a diverse and ever-changing world. ★Yearly Registration Fee: E-mail Member: \500 Postal Member:\1000 For further information, please contact any one of the following organizers. << ORGANIZERS >> ★President ODA Yasuyuki (小田康之) E-mail: y-oda@tkd.att.ne.jp
Tel/Fax 03-5815-7969 本サイトに関する全ての権利は GEO に所属します. 許可なく複製,
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