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LinKo(LinKo ȸ¿ø)
Hidden Facts about Sakhalin and Kuril Islands
Hello! Welcome to this web page which will reveal the truth about the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Sakhalin and Kuriles (in reality they are to be called Karafuto and Chishima Islands) are and were always Japanese territories since Japan existed. It is quite strange that the Russian government dates their claim from the early 18th century saying that they were the first "settlers" on the islands. Gilyaks, Uiltas, Ainu are Japanese brothers who were on the island far before the Russians. It is clear that the Russians are occupying illegal lands that are legally Japanese. Please look through my web page to reveal the truth about the occupied territores.
In Japanese
February 7 is the official "Northern Territories Day". Sakhalin and Kuril Islands are Japanese! Russia, please give it back to us!
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