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YoU HaVe EnTeReD tHe HoMePaGe Of...
everyone! Thanks for visiting my homepage.
My name is Joo-Won Kim, and I live in Rowlett, TX. Rowlett is about 15 minutes northeast of Dallas..
I live in the U.S. , but I'm originally from
Seoul, Korea. The music that u r listening to now, is Korean pop song..hehe...funky, eh?
Take ur time, and look around! I got lots lots lots of stuff on my page...and there will be even more stuff coming in the future! =)
If you have something to say other than about this homepage, write it on the
Board. Otherwise, please sign in my GUESTBOOK before you leave. Gracias!
I am an aupair. Aupair is like a nanny but the difference is that you usually live-in with the people. Anyways, you can find more about it in my personal page. Cody is the boy I am taking care of now. He's 10 yrs old, and whenever I see this Calvin, he reminds me of Cody...
UPDATED on 1/13/99
Read this...It's hilarious.
Attention! Web surfers~!
Picture Gallery
Pictures of me and others.
Hey, you may be on here!
Updated on 1/13/99
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It's all about me. me. me. me. me.. -Mya-
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Last modified on January 13, 1999 at 10:30am
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