17th Nov 2003 - A lot has changed since I last returned to my shoeboxes. My hopes, my dreams, my worries, my joys.. Back then I didn't believe I could walk away from all that troubled me. But time passed by and I did. Time always knew.. somehow. Time always passes by and reveals the truth.
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Name: Lim Ming Yuan
Age: 21 going on to 22
Birthdate: 25th July 1980
Home: Singapore, Telok Blangah

---- 10/3/02 - 1510hrs ----
i got the first page up. i finally got the memory thingie to work. sigh... spent so much time formatting it.
so fast and it was sunday. this weekend flies by like all the rest. yet this weekend wasn't the most happening weekend. spent almost all of my hours in front of this computer attempting to finally build something up instead of just saying i want to change my webpage. but at least now it's fine. =)
i'm so tired... so very tired. sigh... i think i'll go find something else to do now... i can't forever be spending my time facing a computer. no i cannot. i'll go out then. yah... i shall...
---- 10/3/02 - 0058hrs ----
this day, i attempt to continue from where i ended so long ago. i mean.. i always wanted to build a website about myself. ego perhaps? more like i'm wanting to join the realms of those who manage to introduce a part of themself into the world. who knows, there might come some unexpected little something. =)
i once started to write an anthropology... but like most of my sudden interests, it faded away as fast as the rainbow you just discerned out in the rain.
oh,are you wondering why this site is called "shoeboxes"? that's cos i keep my memories and treasures in them. all my christmas cards.. my letters.. some of the small little presents or momento.. my little treasures...
so here i am again, attempting to create a site to give myself a sense of satisfaction and also, to make myself known to the world. the world is vast, but i've always been locked in singapore... I long to see Angkor Wat, the pyramids, the Taj Mahal, the bustling life along Ganges River (i think i watch too much Hindi movies...)... But so far, the only wonder that I've seen was the Borobudur Temple in Indonesia...

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