Welcome. You have reached the InterNexus.
So, here's my little bit of the Web.

These days, it's hard to come up with anything of interest amidst all the sheer oceans of data out there. So, I decided that the best thing to do with my space and your time would be to provide a jump-off point for some of what's out there. I admit that they conform to my interests, but then, I get to advertise myself, and perform a good service. What could be better?

This site will probably be going through an overhaul or two in 2003. With new interests and purposes come new priorities and plans.
But, I will be updating, never fear, and I'm very interested in getting art for the Registry. Keep watching this space...

Places to go right now...

The Shrine to a Very Nice and Slightly Weird Woman -- has been unplugged from the rest of my site. It's still available, if you've bookmarked it or remember the address, but I need to do some heavy thinking on the subject.

The Transformers Fan Character Registry -- Updated March 28, 2002, after far too long a hiatus. Cleaned up RiD section a bit, gave an icon image to X-Big Daddy. Thanks, Neale! More RiD coming soon, so keep checking your bookmarks.

The Twotone Bootleg Archive -- I've actually had this page up for quite some time, but unconnected from the rest of my site. After months of deliberation, I've opted to throw caution to the wind and unveil a very unofficial view of a very unofficial Transformers fanchar. Brought into view December 23, 2001. Happy Festivus. Oh, and as of February 2, 2002, I fixed the busted links. In for a penny, in for a euro...

The Inevitable Links -- Put back link to the Protoform Project on January 18, 2003.

My Botcon 2000 Photo Album -- Installed August 10, 2000. At long last....

With the folding of Beseen.com, I find myself without a guestbook. Hopefully this will be remedied...

Finally got around to getting this link up. Go and get your TF Radio! (Realplayer Required.)

entities have visited the Internexus since June 27, 2000. I've had my site up for longer, but that's when I last reset, so there you are.