The counter says you are the Alright, lets get to buisness now. First of all, I would like to point out that the page is under major reconstruction. It will take time, effort and all that stuff. What will eventually get up is a fan-fiction page (Come on, start writing something people!), a picture gallery (Fan art, origanal and actual screen shots are all welcomed), a character page (I don't want to bug you for your intros again, so I'll just go character names and e-mails, sorry I'm so forgetful guys, thanks for hanging in with me).
Secondly, for anyone who wants my head mounted on some non-descript wall, once again I will tell you, I am completely clueless on running games, so just bear with me, correct me politely and teach me! Please! Being naive does not make me a bad person does it?
IMPORTANT My webrings that I am on, Check them out! They're awesome!
After that sign the Floristica Log Book!
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