Smurfy's Mushroom Home

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Hey! Welcome to my Home, it's in Smurf Village of course!

Here you will find what I am all about as well as interesting tid-bits and facts.

Click on the smurf to see that area!

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What is this site all about? About In here you'll find out more about what's in this homepage and why
Smurfy's Facts Basic information about me in case you're interested
Baker Smurf's Kitchen In here you'll find out which foods I love and recipes and any little food stories I may have
My Smurfette This is devoted to the girl of my dreams
Dreamy's Pillow Here you'll find out my dreams and goals in life
Handy's Workshop This section is devoted to technology, hosted by every Smurf's favourite handyman, Handy Smurf!
Smurfy and the Movies Movies Here you'll find out about my favourite movies, including Smurfy's movie reviews based on the 3 apples high smurf scale
Philosopher Smurf's Hut Philosophy What is life about? Here you'll find what I believe in and why
Jokey Smurf's fun stuff This is where you'll find all sorts of fun things to see and do
Poet Smurf's Poetry Corner Poet Smurf has been kind enough to let me share some of the spotlight with him. Here you'll find some of my favourite poems as well as some of my own
Smurfy's Shopping Mall Shopping! Do you like to shop? I love it! I also like to shop on the web. Click here to see what my favourite things to buy online are!