Daisy's Cozy home!!!!

You are themoonie to find Daisy's home

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*As you walk by a mysterious girl in here front yard, you are mezmerized by her purple eyes*Hiya!!! I'm Daisy! Come on in my house for some tea and jellybeans!*you gladly accept the offer*I love jellybeans, dont you?*you notice several pictures up on the wall*she looks at you*Oh those are pictures of my family*then she points to some others*and those are the Sailor Scouts...close friends of mine.Would you like to know more about the sailor scouts?*before you get a chance to answer she pushes you towards a room* I'll give you a tour. But first Choose where to go!*she hands you a daisy.and as if she read your mind she answers what you where thinking*Oh its just a flower of friendship i give it to everyone!Oh and be sure to go to the link room and go to the chat and meet my friends(mers chat not mine!!!)*she gives you a smile and you can't help but take her advice...I'll leave you to look around.*she disapears in a swirl of white mist and daisy's**you hear a faint whisper*come back whenever you want...

I just moved in, so I'm still unpacking!!!(in other words I'll get more up later)

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