Hi, my
name's Brian, and welcome to my final fantasy 7 homepage, the
best game that has ever been made, in my opinion. Scroll down and
you'll find picts, walkthrough's and my favourite sounds of this
game by Squaresoft. :)
This Page will most likely be in Construction! Look for any changes.

E-mail me with your comments!

fellow fans, I'm Cloud, and I'll show you around today!!
friends and I will stop evil and save the planet from total

Sounds of
Final Fantasy VII
Here are a few of my
favourite midi files from FFVII.
Aerith's theme Aerith's theme song, I believe this is the one with the best quality.
Barret's theme Barret's theme song.
Cid's theme The traditional Cid comes back again!
Costa de la.. That docking port :p, i don't quite remember the name though.
The Turks and all that.Reno's theme!
Ancient City The Ancient city in which Aeris' went off to.
Cosmo Canyon The Comso Canyon theme.
Boss Theme When you're about to fight a boss... you'll hear this most of the time.
Aerith's Church The church where Aeris plants flowers and spended her time.
Red XIII's theme Red XIII's theme song
Well, that's all I could get up so far, look for some new additions in a few weeks or so! :)
Well, that's all for
now. Why don't you visit my alternate site! Simpsons!! and then
you can look at my links from there too. Just click here.
you later. You come back y'hear? I'm going to update
There's Red XIII, I'm gonna give him a hug, bye
people has visited my FFVII page :)
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