Welcome to my homepage! Some of these fanfics were orginally posted at Rei chans's page... please check it out! She has music, movies, almost everything! She's at: Rei's Temple of Moonie Devotion. Anyways, I've written fanfics for about a year now, and felt that it was about time I made myself a web page!
I've written my stories under the name `Hotaru/Amber,' and most of my fics are dramas. I would appreciate ANY comments, so you can e-mail me at hikarinokaze@yahoo.com (See? I got a new e-mail address! : )
Hey, look! A new archive just got put on the net, called Hotaru and Setsuna's Fanfic Archive It's a really nice page, so why not go visit it? (Even some of my fanfics are on it! ; )
You are Senshi
To visit here! Thanks!
Look! Ten THOUSAND people! I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday I was cheering about the first hundred...! Well, my page has actually been up for about 3 years now, with more fics on the go! Thanks, everyone!
HEY!!!! I found my password! I thought this page was permenantly dead, guys. Looks like I'm back... (Taru tries to wrap her mind around the idea). Wow... I started this page back in Grade 9, and now I'm in first year university.... but I hate seeing pages vanish... okay, this is what's going to happen. I am going to update this page. I owe a lot of people thank-you's, and when I get home tonight I'll try and put them all up here. Also coming is a "genre" index. Look!... :
Drama | Comedy | Poetry |
*All rights to Sailor Moon and all associated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei animation and Kodansha Comics*
*All rights to Rurouni Kenshin belong to Watsuki Nobuhito. (Pretty sure this is right now! It was wrong before - sorry, Watsuki-san!)
Hotaru/Amber. Do you want to join The Outer Senshi Ring of Cool Stuff? |
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