These are all the webring pages I have.
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Mainly a list of webrings that I have applyed for but havn't gotten in to.

The Crystal Conection,

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Mainly rings I got accepted into.

Sailor V is for Victory, Luna's Travel Agency, The Sailor Moon Ring of Harmony, Sailor Senshis' Fairy Comunity, The Sailor Moon Ring of Peace, The Sailor Moon Ring of Power, The Ring of Eternal Sailor Moon, The Sailor Moon Ring of Destiny, The Luna Ring, The Sailor Scouts Unite Ring, The Sailor Moon Ring of Honours, The Venus Love Chain
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Mainly another ring page of rings I got acepted into.

The Ring of Moonie Awards, The Luna and Artimis Defense Ring, Princess Serena's Ring of Justice, Demensions of Sailor Moon, Sailor V's Ring of Victory, The Sailor Saturn Ring of Destrction, Mina's ring of Friends, Serena's Ring Of Happiness, The Exclusive SM Ring, Luna's Ring of Sailor Star Seeds, Minako's ring of Love, The Centrol Control Ring, Doublemoon Ring,
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Mainly clubs I'm in..

The Sailor Scouts Fan Club, The Church of Tuskino Usagi, Codename Sailor V, The Temple of Michiru Kaioh, The Golden Millenium, The Temple of Love and Beauty, The Sailor Pluto Fan Club, Another Codename Sailor V club,

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