Well, I sorta discontinued the rest of my web-site years ago, so I'm going to turn it into the base of operations for my soon-to-be personal fanfic archive. With all the fanfics written by ME, using characters from various series which I own ABSOLUTELY no rights to, but rely on the grace of their owners not to sue me.
Anyhow, hope you enjoy reading this stuff as much as I enjoyed writing it! Send feedback and flames to jasonred at hotmail dot com
Warning! Stories marked with a are, well... LEMONS. That means that they contain scenes of a graphic nature and are not really meant for those who do not wish to read about gratious sex.
As the title implies, Nerima's most famous pervert is a grandfather... but WHO is the unfortunate person? Read to find out!
Misato finds out a few reason's to cut down on the alchohol.
Welp, Gendo has finally crossed the line this time, and some people are PISSED! Lemon/lime warnings here.
It's the finals of SNK vs Capcom, and it looks like Charlie and Geese are the finalists! Let's see the ending of this match, eh, sports fans?
Years later, everyone's favourite martial artist has STILL not managed to resolve things with a certain tomboy... so he writes a letter to vent his frustrations.
Well... the much hoped for sequel to Kawaikune is out, and, well... see for yourselves. I don't know what to say that isn't said there.
Rei is not who she seems to be. What dark secret in her past does she have, and what is she hiding, even from her self? What has Gendo done in THIS mixed up reality?
Ukyo and Shampoo come up with YET ANOTHER plan to get Ranma to themselves... only this plan involves HELPING Akane and making her stronger?
What happens when almost everyone in Nerima gets a Wish, but they don't know it? Chaos, havoc, and mayhem. Violence and marraiges.
Welp... it's NOT your typical crossover between Eva and Ranma, that's for sure. Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. I can think of no way to summarise this, though the prologue should give you a rough idea about this whole mess about to befall the Angels...
have browsed through my various ramblings.
Once again, flames and all responses, requests for continuations, etc, go to jasonred at hotmail dot com
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